The Xena Princess Within You

A life journey till she reaches death bed.
Blessed with events of pleasantries and tragedies.
Certain experiences happen and change you.
Despite being ready for it or unawares.
Events and lead of activities begin.
For they just cannot be avoided or done with.
Giving us more than we can handle.
Hiccups in this journey, tend to be possible.
I, me and Ego if avoided, can help.
Joy for life, get going, life is a boon.
Kindle that spark within you.
Live, love and let live be the motto.
More to life there is than to brood.
Note to self is important, as a reminder.
Our soul stirs, when it blends with the cosmos.
Prioritizing life to remain happy.
Quest to begin again with new dynamism.
Rise again and elevate your thought pattern.
Search again for that lost spark.
Train and team up with your mind.
Unless we try, we cannot make it possible.
Vicious circle of lethargy and lassitude.
Weariness of heart and mind should not seep in.
Xena princess you are.
You cannot be bogged down with trivial matters.
Zen, zest and zeal of life be your priority.
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