There's Blood on Your Heart

Priya Nayak-Gole posted under Book Review on 2023-06-29

I finally got to read this book and heres my review. There are a few spoilers so read at your discretion.

The story is basically a psychological thriller in the true sense of the word. It revolves around the female protagonist Nihar (I loved the name) who at 8 years of age was adopted by her foster parents and uprooted from India to Sydney. Her mother died in a car 'accident' which was proved otherwise and her father was sentenced to life imprisonment for the same. Nihar has been plagued by nightmares due to the traumatic childhood that she's had but everything is hazy where she barely remembers her mother. Twenty years later she receives an email from her 'masi' and it opens a pandora's box where secrets seem to be hidden too deep. Secrets that if surface, will cause mayhem and huge ripples in still waters. Nihar comes to India and what follows is the quest for truth as to what exactly happened two decades ago behind closed doors figuratively and literally. Pros: the first thing that got my attention was the title and the cover. The author's language is a class apart and her passion for writing comes across. The premise is extremely intriguing and the book is unputdownable as the author takes us through the labyrinthine plots. Cons: The print is extremely fine... makes reading difficult if you happen to be above 40 🙈. The subplots get repetitive, like the way she sees the 'woman' in a red saree with flowing tresses everywhere... That woman is supposed to be her mother but the swiftness with which 'she' moves and acts should have been obvious to the protagonist who is supposed to be perceptive and intelligent. There is a lot of confusion about the characters i.e. her mother and aunt. The end is disappointing and not plausible. Two differently-looking women despite being sisters... are meant to be one and the same. And that no one comes to know of it all. The entire climax contains huge chunks of dialogue which is a put-off especially when you are looking forward to knowing the truth and the revelation. Given the way the story began, I had expected a lot and i think when we turn authors ourselves the critic in us rears her head too!!! But i don't regret reading this because I got to learn new phrases and words. The language is wonderful throughout. ~*~ Get your copy here: