Think Before You Speak

I sit idle and tired. Wouldn’t anyone be if they were never allowed to rest peacefully, a total shutdown is what I craved but this fellow would never allow me that peace. But this room seems unfamiliar and this table where I was kept seemed to be in order, so unlike mater’s room. “Hi, any idea where we are smarty?” He looked bored announcing the barrage of notifications. “The hotel room, as if you don’t know Mac.” Smarty gave a grumpy response. “He was planning to travel I didn’t have an inkling?”  “He should be putting you on charge more often Mac, you seem to have blacked out at the wrong time. He isn’t traveling, we are still in town.” Smarty seemed to be in a foul mood today. “Why can’t he head home then, I don’t feel comfortable sitting on such a tidy table without the company of layers of dust, cups, plates, and wafer packets.”   “Get used to it Mac, I don’t know how long we have to stay like this. This idiot doesn’t think before he speaks. Such a dumb show-off.” “Don’t you know?” Smarty asked looking at my quizzical expression. “Today afternoon, the idiot received a call from Rima, when he was in a meeting with the interns. He picked up the call and before she could even speak, the show-off told her “What happened, has the roof come crashing down? No, right, then it can surely wait” and he cut the call, fool didn’t even realize that his wife was desperately trying to get a word in.”  “She isn’t such a cruel woman to throw him out of the house for that.”  “That’s only half the story Mac, in the evening he reached home to find the door locked and as usual he had didn’t have his key with him. The neighbour told him; his wife had a bad fall from her two-wheeler and was in the hospital with a fracture in her left leg. He reached the hospital, asked her all worried why she hadn’t informed him about the accident shamelessly asked her for the house keys, you know her reply “the roof hasn’t come crashing down, is it? Then all your inquiries can wait.” “This guy is a bigger fool than I presumed him to be Smarty. But why didn’t he go to his mother’s place?” “Last week he argued with her and sent her a message “Mah life mah rules” so ma ruled him to not appear in her vicinity. Feeling so exhausted can’t talk anymore Mac.” Smarty turned completely blank before I could respond. His charger was missing and the master has been away since an hour. Is that the room’s access card in the slot? The smart guy has locked himself out again. Why couldn’t a more sorted human have owned me! I will go into sleep mode until smart Alek figures the way to enter the room.


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