Ties of Blood

Lalitha Ramanathan posted under Book Review on 2023-06-14

Niti Kewalramani’s Ties of Blood is a riveting thriller that is based on the sudden death of the young scion of a billionaire business family, Surya Jain. This book is an engrossing whodunnit that leaves you guessing till the very end.  Was Surya murdered? Or was his death an accident? The Jains, one of Mumbai’s wealthiest, come across as a picture-perfect family. The family helmed by MJ, the patriarch, projects themselves to be close-knit and orthodox. Surya’s sudden demise is a major shock to them, especially since he was declared successor to SGI industries, the family business empire. His death is investigated by Police officer Hasan, who is battling the demons of his past. Hasan soon discovers that the Jain’s projection of being a perfect family is only a charade- they are as dysfunctional as it gets.  The family wishes to hush up the affair, but when yet another murder occurs, and a series of disturbing facts come to light, it is up to Hasan and his team to get to the bottom of this sordid affair. What is each person hiding? The author spins an intricate web of betrayal, love, and lies. The lives of the rich are filled with deceit and debauchery. This thriller delves into the psyche of every character- each one is trying to live up to expectations; either set by their family or themselves. Officer Hasan has a wry sense of humour and a moody darkness; the reader goes from disliking him to rooting for him by the end of the book. There is a dose of feminism and corporate social responsibility incorporated as well. I loved how the book highlighted sustainable industry practices and their importance. Ethical farming issues are addressed and explained in a profit versus ethics introspection. It was also refreshing to read about women scientists and their passion for innovation. The author’s language is simple and sophisticated; the reader longs to sample the smooth and silky Divine chocolate that she describes in detail. What works for the book is its breakneck pace, twists, and theme of corporate espionage. On the flip side, there are many characters, so it takes a while to sink in and get familiar with all of them. But once you are into the plot, it is very hard to put it down. The final reveal does take the reader by surprise. This story would be perfect for an OTT web series! A must-read for fans of thrillers. ~*~ Get your copy here: