Time Draws its Vision of Me

Preeti Brahmin posted under Poetry Tale-a-thlon S3: Poetry on 2023-08-22

Time draws its vision of me Without my consent and Then laughs to see me catch his handywork in the mirror. Change breezes into my life And expects me to acquiesce, Then before I know it the old familiar leaves are gone. The  years flow like a carving stream That etches  my modest story in the earth, Then  sighing, meanders into the ocean to lose itself there. Emotions and attachments  Rub their earnest, teasing  fragrances on my  soul, Then evaporate , carrying away the traces of yesterday. Passions of the beating heart Assure of never ending amusements , Then like sunsets in the dying sky wrap up the magic too soon. Tall grasses lisp their tune in the wind And  buoyant songbirds perch awhile, Then fly off to the mountains or lie down and die at season’s end.    Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!