Time's Pantomime 

Batool Idrish posted under Guest Posts Poetry on 2022-08-26

How gently the river flows leaving us behind! We stand beside the Ganges, boatswains remind Of the ebb and flow of centuries….Ah Time Fleet-footed, presents on its stage —a pantomime If you care to see, centuries would unwind! Watch aeons stride past: Fate's novel design: A reel of legendary feats Time's spools wind, Heroes roaring bravado in their prime. How gently the river flows Age can't contest youth, there's no rewind. Blurred are yesteryears, waves converge, seconds combined And so gently flow days, years, a rhythmic chime To mellowed age gazing at Death sublime. Fossilised minutiae stare at stars enshrined. How gently the river flows   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!