To Tell A Lie or Not

Arupam Maity posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-40 on 2022-04-22

Last night went sleepless. The lie, she was bearing, became larger than life. It’s eating her from inside. She can’t count, how many times, she prayed,  ‘Oh God, make me strong…I want to tell the truth.’  The day next, Manoj started to rush between his social and professional world. Prachi began to act as a dutiful wife. As she came within a distance of her husband, several times, she never missed to see his mobile was flooding with endless WhatsApp messages.  They’re now married for more than five years. Occasionally she would amaze,  ‘Am I left, just to manage the household? He would be high on stress, will return home exhausted and needs to freshen up. Then the bed would play as a killing field to detox him, through various acts of sex.’  Whenever she feels such she gets dumbed as Manoj doesn’t listen to her. He has no quality time to spend with Prachi. Only to be the manager of this consumer durables giant, the man has sacrificed his own life and his wife also.  She gets frightened thinking if Manoj doesn’t accept the truth, if he advises to end, then it would be a great lie to consume. With a gigantic confusion boiling in mind, Prachi picks up the day’s newspaper. The last column of the first page suddenly strikes her eye. She can’t believe at first. Is it Maya?  But the photo resembles so much. The paper says her real name is Laila Soren. She is an extremist, fighting for her land. Police says, in last three years, she changes her location several times, either as a help in a shop or as a domestic help.  Prachi quickly recalls,  ‘Yes, they engaged her almost two years back. The husband-wife duo once was returning home, found Maya standing helplessly in a roadside eatery, it’s owner was literally thrashing her for some very little mistake.’  Her face was so innocent that it quickly struck Prachi. She insisted Manoj to talk to her master. He agreed, talked to the man, got Maya freed and brought her at their flat. She left two months back. Prachi still misses her very much. Suddenly Prachi realizes the power of truth. If Maya, that lean and rickety, twenty plus old girl can fight for her rights, a great truth in its own why then Prachi can’t tell Manoj that he’s going to be a father very soon. Why be afraid?  It’s now true that they’ve brought a life in this beautiful earth which is God’s most precious creation. Slowly Prachi gets transformed. She is now a completely changed person. She quickly dialled Dr. Mitra, ‘Ok doctor, I appreciates your concern. Tonight, we’ll come together.’  She is equally active to send a WhatsApp message to Manoj, ‘Come early at evening. Together we’ll visit Dr. Mitra’s Motherland Clinic. Thanks, you’ve finally made me proud.  You’ve given me the best gift of my life. ’   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!