Together We Can

Gowri Bhargav posted under PenMuse-30 Poetry on 2021-05-12

The lantern of hope offers us light As we dwell in helplessness, When the end of the tunnel seems out of sight. Let’s spread positivity to shun the darkness, Garner the courage to cross the daunting miles, As we dwell in helplessness. The deadly virus has masked our smiles, But we shall rise again by embracing hope And garner the courage to cross the daunting miles. The loss and pain may be difficult to cope, The future may appear bleak, But we shall rise again by embracing hope. Through prayers, solace we shall seek And quell the gloom from our downcast days, Though the future may appear bleak. We can overcome this difficult phase, Holding hands together with all our might And quell the gloom from our downcast days, When the end of the tunnel seems out of sight.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!