Touch Them Not

Cotton clouds against a pale blue sky,
touch them not for burst they might
like my dreams of broad daylight,
Cotton clouds against a pale blue sky.
Touch them not for burst they might
bubbles that dance on the merry wave
akin the thoughts in my mind’s cave,
Touch them not for burst they might.
Bubbles that dance on the merry wave,
much like life, an illusion, a deception,
what is it, if not hallucination
Bubbles that dance on the merry wave.
Much like life, an illusion, a deception,
cotton clouds against a pale blue sky,
subtle breeze that rushes past by,
Much like life, an illusion, a deception,
Cotton clouds against a pale blue sky,
touch them not for burst they might,
like my dreams of broad daylight,
Cotton clouds against a pale blue sky.