Train Your Mind

Reema conceived through IVF after almost a decade. She and her husband, Ritesh, eagerly waited for this day. Their joy knew no bounds when the doctor confirmed Reema was pregnant with two babies.
A few months later, she gave birth to healthy and beautiful twin boys. Her radiant smile lit up her whole face with warmth.
The joy was indescribable. Contentment tiptoed into her heart, and gratitude welled up inside her. Her in-laws, who only saw flaws and abhorred her, embraced her with open arms.
Reema gained a lot of weight throughout her pregnancy and continued to put on even after giving birth to her offspring. She started to look obese. She did everything possible to shed her pounds but failed to get in shape.
Relatives advised getting a stomach tuck. Her husband also started putting pressure on her to lose weight. But when Reema resisted going under the knife, the problems intensified. Moreover, unsolicited comments and continuous hammering led to low self-esteem.
Betwixt these issues, memories of her younger days came rushing back and brought tears to her eyes. Reema was slim and attractive during her younger years. Her dimpled smile often mesmerised everyone. She also participated in a beauty pageant and won the title of Miss India when she was 21. Her sea-blue eyes were full of life.
But today, her confidence and self-belief, the two powerful weapons, started waning rapidly.
One day, while meditating, her inner self raised its head and said, “You are working so hard to reduce your weight. Yet you are unable to get the desired results. Right? It is arduous until you let go of your cynical thoughts. Deep within, you feel it is impossible. The subconscious mind is powerful, and we tend to become its slave. As we try our best, emotions and beliefs hidden within us come to the surface and unknowingly pull us back. So you need to first work on your thoughts. You are capable of doing anything you desire. The physical transformation will take place gradually, if not immediately.”
She took a deep breath and cleared all the clouds floating in her mind. She decided to pull her socks up and started to practice positive affirmations every day and ensured pessimistic thoughts did not overpower optimism, along with rigorous workouts and diet.
Soon her self-assurance and conviction were audible. She declared, “I won’t go under the knife to reduce my weight, but I promise I will make things happen. But you will have to give me some time and have patience till then.”
Her hubby and in-laws wondered what she was up to. But seeing her spirit and determination, they agreed to support her.
Her efforts did not go in vain. Within six months, she lost a whopping 40 kilos.
“The door opened and she stepped out – barely recognisable in her new avatar.”
Everyone who judged couldn’t take their eyes off her. She was hardly recognisable. The glow and energy were natural.
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