
Every great dream
Begins with a dreamer.
Always remember, you have
Within you the strength, the
Patience, and the passion to
Reach for the stars to
Change the world
- Harriet Tubman.
“I don’t know in what condition Bhola would be. I remember him calling me Ma, Ma throughout the day while I would be making his favourite laddoos. He would be rolling in the mud during the rainy season with his friends and plucking mangoes from the trees during summertime but I don’t know why God accursed us.” Bhola's mother sounded despondent as she continued, ”Everyone has to go through a rough patch and so did we, Bhola’s father health condition was critical and also the fields were not giving good outcomes so we had to sell Bhola to a wealthy merchant and what did we get rupees 20 . I don’t know what came to my mind that I decided to sell my son with whom I have a blood relation, I, I priced my precious son and that money too got over just by purchasing one month's medicine. Still, the situations are the same it would have been better if Bhola was with us at least I could have educated him and he would have been self-reliant and I would be happy to feed him his comfort food but “Alas! Beggars can’t be choosers!””.
“Clean that dirt patch, you moron! You eat like a dog and sleep like a dog” shouted Bhola’s master in a crotchety. A groggy and traumatized Bhola just said,” yes master”. After his master left Bhola whimpered but he also did not blame his parents for all this. He always left the house as soon as his master left and met his kaka whom he had narrated what all had happened to him when he was new to the place, kaka was neighbourly and recommended him to take admission in a nearby school but Bhola denied he said, “what about my master kaka?”
Kaka:- don’t worry as soon as he sleeps you can go to study as there are night schools for children like you and they don’t charge fees for the underprivileged. Bhola’s condition changed in a volatile manner and as soon as he completed his education he escaped at night with some money given by kaka.
Bhola:-Ma! Ma! Where are you?
Mother:-you have grown up into a lad, I am so happy to see you I thought, I lost you forever.
Bhola : (seeking his mother's blessing the Indian way), Ma where is Papa?
Mother:- he is no more.
Bhola:-Ma! I 've made up my mind that I will sell half of the land and build a school on the rest so that other children can enjoy their childhood which was snatched from me.
Mother:- go ahead soon.
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