True Love never dies- It is eternal

Dear! How can you give a blank look at me?
You know, how much we loved each other profoundly, intensely.
I do not believe the words of doctors, you see.
How could you forget those promises you made so sincerely?
Your coma stage is not discouraging, but yes very agonising.
Darling! Recollect those days, when we laughed and moved freely.
Can't you see dear, every waking moment is traumatising?
And these days I eat barely, sleep or smile hardly.
The first kiss which I planted on your tender lips!
Is still fresh in my mind, embedded deep in heart.
I cherish the moments, when we drank, munching on chips.
I spend sleepless nights, depressed days, which you know not.
Wake up! I want to take you in my arms.
Darling! Get me immersed in your loving words and charms.