True Promise

Achla Nagar posted under Poetry Tale-a-thlon S3: Poetry on 2023-08-21

In the girl's keen eyes a daily ritual  Unfurled Her grandmother, devoted, gathered flowers for prayers Beside her, the girl joined in understanding the sacred feelings. With joy, petals were plucked, love infused in every bloom Years passed akin to a river  the shared act never ceased A bond nurtured by blossoms, beyond time's tethers. Illness struck her grandmother, a tender touch Still, the girl plucked, her heart a fragrant tether Her devotion remained, an offering to appease. Amid fading health, her promise held strong together "I'll present God flowers each day as your proxy A pledge unwavering, through all that comes. Then arrived the day her grandmother became celestial In tender hands, flowers gathered once more At the funeral pyre, petals shed for her reverie. A promise whispered, a connection to restore "I'll keep offering flowers, no matter where I am Your spirit held dear, for all eternity.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!