Tryst with Janus

Raman Narayanan posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-35 on 2021-11-10

“Let’s go to the party, Will try to snare a hottie” Shut up Ashish, admonished Sanjay.  “Bring her home please, to be mine. Oh, how much do I pine”. “You horny bastard”. Ok. Let me try the new girl, Vandana. She will be there for the party. Let us have some fresh meat tonight” said Sanjay as he ate his breakfast. There was a big party in the office that night. It was after one such party six months ago, that a new joinee was brutally raped and murdered. Her body was found after a few days in a drain. After this incident, the parties came to an end and it was only after many months, that the company decided to resume parties.  After all, all the employees needed to unwind.  It was a glittering night. Loud music blared, liquor flowed and the staff danced with gay abandon.  Sanjay’s eyes were only on the sexy Vandana in her shimmering black dress.  Their eyes locked across the dance floor and there was an inviting smile on her lips. “Lips are juicy, warm and red, Behold the joys they will give in bed” Crooned Ashish in Sanjay’s ear. “Let me get her” declared Sanjay as he walked purposefully towards her. Sanjay was a charmer and no girl could resist his smooth talk. It was no different for Vandana, for as soon as the party ended, they drove to Sanjay’s apartment.  “How about a drink” Asked Sanjay. “Sure” replied Vandana. They sipped their whiskies, eyes transfixed on each other.  “I must have slept off” Vandana thought as she opened her eyes. To her horror, she found that her hands were tied to the bedposts. She tried to scream but all that she could elicit from her throat was a weak croak.  She realized that she had been drugged. “Hey hottie, you woke up finally. We couldn’t wait to get our hands on you” sneered Sanjay with an evil gleam in his eyes. “Please let me go” sobbed Vandana. “We will dear, after me and Ashish have our fill of you” hissed Sanjay. She looked around to see her other tormentor but he was nowhere to be seen.  “Can’t you hear him? Speak louder Ashish” commanded Sanjay. “Such a lovely, lissome lass, you are my type, you ooze class” sang Sanjay, his face contorted in a maniacal frenzy, as he moved closer. Suddenly the door of the room crashed open. Two policemen pounced on Sanjay. They threw him to the ground and handcuffed him. A policewoman rushed in and untied a shocked Vandana.  “Don’t worry madam. You are safe now. We had him under surveillance since the last rape incident in your company. We followed you here after the party” explained the officer to her.  Sanjay lifted his bloodied head and looked at Vandana as he sang ghoulishly. “You are lovely, hot and sweet, we will hunt you down for a treat” Vandana closed her ears and fled the room. Glossary: Janus: Two headed Roman god.  Janus faced: Duplicitous, two-faced.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!