
Akshita Sundeep Singh posted under PenMuse-30 Poetry on 2021-05-16

She lay awake on her bed, numb Wondering and wondering, Why couldn't she be like them? Each sob to her heart a sting, How long until she breaks? Wondering and wondering. Her crippled heart aches and aches, Every push, jeer and kick, How long until she breaks? The dreaded feeling making her sick, Another pang to her damaged heart. Every push, jeer and kick. Oh, she was a work of art, Always a soft hello, The barbs always a pang to her damaged heart. But little did she know, She was not built to break; not to succumb. Always a soft hello, So why couldn’t she be like them?   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!