
It was pre-Christmas time. I had been longing to eat something delicious. But was unable to make out, what?
Then it clicked me. The best delicacy to be cooked in winters would be the all-time favourite of everyone – Undhiyo. But how to make and where to start? That reminded me of my mom’s secret cook book. I looked into the book, there were recipes of all the delicacies my mom used to cook with love and patience. Not only there were recipes but also some info regarding the delicacies which she always mentioned. So, as I turned to page number 31and there stood my recipe.
Undhiyo or Surti Undhiyo is a speciality of Surat cooked specially in winters. It derives its name from the traditional technique of cooking it by mixing all the vegetables in earthen pot and keeping the pot upside down on fire. It can be substituted by simmering it on fire for 30minutes. A perfect blend of vegetables like purple yam or yam, sweet potato, surti valor, tuvar, small potatoes….
On reading the recipe, I hopped to the market. The looks of market which were half covered with greens, made it a pleasant morning. The purchase was done in a jiff and here I was ready to try my hands on it.
I remembered my mom steaming and frying veggies and fenugreek dumplings prepared with chickpea flour. A perfect blend of spices was the crown of the recipe. Once it was simmered for over 30mins, I took one spoonful of it and there I was in my memory lane.
I vividly recalled; it was one of the things for which we looked forward to, in winters. It was not only favourite in the family but also among close knitted relatives and foodie friends. We used to prepare in quantities of 1-1.5kg so that it could be relished and enjoyed for days to come.
The best part of Undhiyo were the preparations behind it. I never played a major role in cooking but was always a supporting actress. The idea of purchase of veggies, cutting it together while gossiping, is what made it all fun. The preparations used to start from Saturday itself if it had to be cooked for Sunday lunch.
And then arrived the mamis, kakis since morning to be a part of preparations as well.
The idea of eating it with puris would make it a complete deal. And the best part were the dabbas which used to get filled up for it to be relished along with friends even next day.
Today after marriage, the biggest thing I miss was not Undhiyo but our family get-togethers for Undhiyo. As I had heard it right, we didn’t gain weights when we ate together with families and the reason for which I feel today is these preparations, done together so everyone contributed and relished the fruits of their efforts.
Food memories are the deepest memories carved forever…..
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