Standing outside the CID office, she feels a pang in her heart. This is not something she envisioned for herself, but right now, this is her destiny. She’s Tarini Saxena, an ardent police officer, who’s now all set to make her place in the Crime Investigation Department(CID).
The Crime Investigation Department (CID) is the investigation and intelligence wing of the Indian State Police. It the most important unit of the police department. Working in the CID is an honor in itself. If one gets the chance to serve the country, the CID is the right place.
Tarini enters the building, and the watchman guides her to the main office. As she steps inside, she finds the office is bustling with activity. Some people are working, while others are talking, most likely about cases. She calls for their attention as she salutes her superiors.
“Inspector Tarini reporting on duty!”
“Tarini, welcome to the CID,” says ACP Prabhat Mehra, the head of the CID team.
“Thank you, Sir! I will do my best not to disappoint you,” Tarini responds, her tone firm, holding a profound promise that she will prove her worth.
“I know you won’t disappoint me! You’ve solved many cases undercover, so working in the CID won’t be difficult for you, Tarini,” Prabhat says confidently, his gaze reflecting the trust he has instilled in her.
“That’s kind of you, sir. By the way, Anoop Sir mentioned that he would call you; he might come here to meet you in person,” Tarini informs him about her previous head and confidant, and the senior officer nods.
“Yeah, I had a call with him yesterday, and he was praising you a lot, Tarini. If he has sent a capable officer like you to our team, it’s an honour for all of us,” Mr. Prabhat says, his tone filled with pride.
“I’m honoured, Sir. However, enrolling into the CID, working with professionals like you, is not what I envisioned for myself, Sir. A couple of months back, Anoop Sir called me, and said he wanted me to work with your team. And here, I am. And I will assist all of you in every manner that I can.” Tarini replies, her tone soft, yet, there’s an unwavering challenge in her eyes.
Mr. Prabhat introduces her as Inspector Tarini Saxena, who has extensive experience working in the Mumbai Police and has served as an undercover cop. Her fellow officers are intrigued by this fact, and Tarini can feel many questioning gazes directed at her. She smiles at the group when one of them, a young man, probably around her age, introduces himself as Veer Sehgal.
“Hey, Tarini, I’m Veer. This place is a home. You know all of us…” he says, his tone soft and concerned, but she interrupts him.
“I know all of you here are like a family. I’m glad to be part of this team,” Tarini smiles, her tone soft.
“So, you know a lot about us! But I have a question, Tarini. Oh, before I forget, I’ll introduce myself, I’m Vaishnavi,” a young girl says with a tender smile on her face.
“I know, your question is why I’m here, right? This transfer is surprising for me too, Vaishnavi,” Tarini replies lightly, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.
“Surprising? But why? You would’ve been aware of the transfer, right?” Vaishnavi asks, her curiosity piqued.
“Yeah, actually, I already said that I didn’t envision working in the CID. Honestly, I was happy in my job taking undercover missions. Anoop Sir isn’t just my boss or mentor, he’s a father figure for me. And he told me that it’s better for me that I join CID,” Tarini speaks, there’s a kind of mystifying glint in her eyes.
However, in the next moment, Tarini smiles at Vaishnavi and Veer and continues to speak. She doesn’t want them to weave their own stories. However, she’s still in a daze as to how her story has taken a twisted turn, landing her into this very office of the CID. She isn’t against working here, but all of it feels a little alien. However, the team seems welcoming. Tarini smiles at her peers.
“But you see, life isn’t always the same. It always brings surprises, and this is the surprise life has given me – from being an undercover officer to the CID officer,” Tarini smiles, her eyes glowing with confidence.
“I agree with you on it, Tarini. Life is full of surprises. I am glad you’re here, working would be fun, undercover missions are unexpected and hold a lot of stories, right? Well, I heard it from Vinay Sir, he always has one or more stories. Do you have any?” Vaishnavi asks curiously, causing Tarini to giggle.
“Ah, yes, Vaishnavi, I have a whole lot of stories. But you know, not every story is worth narrating. You have to live some stories, in order to know them,” Tarini says, and everyone look at her, surprised by her quote.
“You— You’re right, Tarini. You’ve said something deeper than you mean,” Veer remarks, his gaze fixed on her face.
“I mean it, and that’s the truth, Veer. A real truth!” Tarini remarks, as she looks at her colleagues.
Vaishnavi nods, understanding the depth of her words. As the two girls chat, Veer can’t help but feel that there’s more to the story that Tarini has shared. There’s a mysterious depth to her words that isn’t visible to the naked eye. He feels the need to dig a little deeper to learn more about this intriguing girl.
Tarini is indeed like a mystifying secret, and Veer has starting to feel the urge to decipher her.
The days begin to slip by, and Tarini proves her worth by solving cases efficiently. Her experience working undercover is helping her in the CID. She has received a lot of appreciation from her seniors and has formed a close bond with Veer. Just like that, two months have passed by. Tarini has got to know about the work culture and has formed a profound bond with Vaishnavi and Veer stands out in the crowd. Having him around is refreshing, and Tarini can’t help but feel the surreal aura he brings with him. She grows comfortable in the presence of her new friends. Life’s going smooth for her.
One fine day, Tarini is sitting at her desk, scrolling through her computer, penning down some articles for their portal, when something catches her eye. A notification appears on the screen, and as she clicks on it, a news portal opens up. As she reads further, she’s shocked; her eyes are glued to the screen, and she can feel her heartbeat quickening. It’s about something she didn’t want to confront, so she closes the tab, shuts down her laptop, and rushes out of the bureau. She almost bumps into Veer but excuses herself, leaving him both intrigued and concerned. He doesn’t fail to notice the tears in her eyes. He watches her leave and, at the same time, his gaze meets Vaishnavi’s, who is equally surprised.
“What happened to her?” Veer asks, assuming Tarini might have told Vaishnavi something.
“I don’t know. She was working on the computer, reading something, and then she left suddenly,” Vaishnavi replies, mirroring his concern.
“There’s something about her, Vaishu. I just can’t stay calm. She’s hiding something. She won’t tell me, but she might tell you. Ask her,” Veer urges Vaishnavi, whom he considers a sister.
“It’s been two months since she joined us, Veer. Even I feel she’s hiding something, but you seem to have feelings for her. Why don’t you tell her? She might open up if you talk to her,” Vaishnavi suggests, and Veer becomes thoughtful.
“I don’t know, Vaishnavi. First, I want to know what’s bothering her. I just don’t want to lose the friendship I’ve built with her,” he says honestly.
“If only more guys thought like you, Veer. But I still think you should talk to her. She seems upset right now; you should talk to her and help her. Maybe she will open up to you,” Vaishnavi insists.
Veer tends to agree with Vaishnavi. Yes, he will need to talk to Tarini to understand her feelings. Besides, her tear-stricken face has left him worried; he definitely needs to talk to her.
Tarini is in the washroom, the weight of her past overpowering her courage and confidence. She looks at her tear-stricken face. The demons of her past have come to haunt her again. She’s been on the run for quite some time, and right now, she’s unable to understand what’s going on. Her heart is still pounding; the person she’s been running from is after her again.
Rocky!—the man from her past!
Ugh! She just can’t forget him. He’s been chasing her, and even though she’s in the safe confines of her CID office right now, she’s still scared. He has escaped the police, and he’s in Mumbai. All the possible reasons he might find her begin to cross her mind. However, glancing at herself in the mirror, she braces herself for whatever comes her way.
“Tarini, you’re a cop. You have to be courageous enough to deal with Rocky and everyone from your past, even if it’s your own father.”
Tarini takes a deep breath, washes her face, steadies her heartbeat, and makes herself presentable. Satisfied with her appearance, she walks out of the washroom and heads straight into the office. Upon entering, she feels two sharp gazes on her—Veer and Vaishnavi. Others look concerned too, but these two have many questions in their eyes, and she knows she has to give an answer.
“Are you okay, Tarini?” Veer asks, his tone laced with concern.
“Yes, I am fine,” she replies, her tone quivering despite her attempts to keep her voice steady.
“Are you sure? I mean, I felt like you were upset,” Veer retorts, coaxing her to reveal the truth.
“I’m not lying, Veer. I’m fine. Actually, I rubbed my eye harshly, and that’s why I rushed into the washroom to wash it,” Tarini explains, hoping her excuse will satisfy Veer.
“Alright, I believe you. But Tarini, please know that, no matter what, I am always there for you. You can always confide in me, you know,” He says, his tone filled with concern for her.
She feels like telling him about Rocky and Scarlet Reapers, but decides otherwise. She doesn’t want to push him into danger. She knows her past is looming like a danger, not only on her head, but on everyone who’s close to her, especially Veer. She smiles at him, though it’s deceiving.
“I appreciate that you’re here, Veer, but I am fine, truly,” She says, her tone earnest, as she tries to convince him.
Veer isn’t convinced, but he nods in affirmation. He knows that story is deeper than he knows, and Tarini isn’t spilling the truth to him. However, he respects her decision, though there’s an unwavering resolve in his eyes, to keep an eye on her and he won’t let her face the danger alone. He asks her to talk to him if she needs anything, and Tarini can’t help but smile at his concern.
But Veer isn’t convinced. He knows there’s more to it than she’s letting on, but he decides to respect her privacy for now. However, he resolves to keep an eye on her. He won’t let her face whatever it is alone. She feels a warmth bubbling in her chest, she’s grateful that God sent him her way. However, she has to battle her fears, right now.
At her desk, Tarini looks at her computer but is lost in thought. She’s thinking about Rocky and all the bittersweet moments she shared with him. She drifts down memory lane to the moment when she first met Rocky.
It was a time when she was prepping for an important mission that Anoop had assigned to her. She had to track the gang known as the Scarlet Reapers, who were involved in drug peddling and all things illegal. The boss of the gang, Raghav Deshmukh, had been on the run, and this time, Tarini was assigned the mission to expose Raghav and all his misdeeds.
However, Scarlet Reapers was their secret name; on the surface, Raghav was known as the proud CEO of Scarlet Jewels, a company dealing in diamonds and other precious stones. Behind this legal front, they were committing heinous crimes. Tarini joined Raghav's business as his PA, Rini Sehgal, assuring him that she’d take care of everything, both in and out of business. She lured him into keeping his secrets intact. As she entered their world—a place where the most heinous activities took place, including murder—she was on high alert. She knew she had to maintain her guard; her focus had to be on cracking their code and exposing the gang. They were involved in drug peddling, ruining the lives of millions across the world. Tarini had all her data and numbers ready.
She had been recording every little thing, and her plan materialized when Raghav showed her the secret warehouse and the illegal business they conducted there. She was appointed to oversee everything happening in the place. She was shocked to discover that fake jewelry was being exported, which wasn’t jewelry at all but drugs. She recorded everything as evidence, knowing it would help her expose the Scarlet Reapers. She had also fabricated a few clues, partially true, knowing her team would keep an eye on things.
She built a good rapport with Raghav, but he was always stoic and harsh with those around him. He didn’t tolerate a single mistake from his employees. However, she tried to calm him by advising that his employees might lose trust in him. He cast a piercing gaze at her, the intensity sending a shiver down her spine.
“Our work is based on trust, Ms. Rini. We can’t afford to lose anything. One mistake could mean losing everything we’ve built. You must do the job that’s been assigned to you,” Raghav shot back with a glare.
“Make a quotation, and then let’s discuss the plans,” he said.
“Uh, okay! I was just speaking generally,” she replied, the intensity of the conversation weighing on her heart.
“Yes, please prepare the quotation and highlight how you could benefit my work. And remember, I don’t tolerate nonsense, Rini,” he said, his tone harsh and stoic.
Rini, aka Tarini, could only nod and leave the room. As she thought about Raghav, she bumped into someone who caught her and saved her from falling. He was Rocky. She glanced at him; he resembled Raghav but had the courtesy to inquire about her well-being.
“Are you okay, Ms. Rini?” he asked, and she was surprised.
“Yes… but how do you know me?” she asked, astonished.
“I’m Rocky, Raghav’s right-hand man. And I’d like to give you some advice,” he said.
“What?” she asked, noticing a hint of concern in his eyes.
“Whatever you do, be careful. You’re new here and don’t know about the risks that follow, so yes, be careful,” Rocky replied, stepping aside to let her go.
This brief encounter with him left Rini with a pang in her heart. Amidst this vast criminal operation, she had found someone with a soft heart. His concern for her captivated her; she hadn’t thought a cruel gang like this would have someone who cared for those around him.
In no time, Rini found herself drawn to him, but things turned dire when he discovered her true identity. Since then, he has considered her guilty of betraying the Scarlet Reapers, and she has been on the run ever since.
Tarini comes out of her trance. Life has come full circle; he’s still on the run, and she’s terrified of crossing paths with him. It’s as if no matter how deeply you bury your past, it claws its way out. And this is the truth in her case.
Another few days pass by, and it’s Sunday. After a long week at work, the team finally has time to relax. Vaishnavi and Tarini make plans to go shopping and spend some time out. Vaishnavi insists that Veer join them, and Tarini is more than happy to have him by her side. On the other hand, Veer takes this as a cue; he has started to like Tarini, but right now, he wants to comfort her and let her know that he’s always by her side.
Tarini arrives at Max Orbit Mall, unaware that danger is looming just above her head. She meets Vaishnavi outside a café, and the girls decide to have some coffee first. They chit-chat, talk about work, their lives, their interests, and everything that binds them together. Tarini laughs at a joke Vaishnavi shares, unaware that a pair of eyes are fixed on her, following her every move.
“Oh my! This is such a much-needed break, Vaishnavi. I’m glad we planned this!” Tarini remarks, her heart content.
“You’d have enjoyed it more if Veer had been here. But he had an errand to run, so he’ll join us for lunch,” Vaishnavi says, and Tarini agrees.
“Come on, let’s go! I need to get a few things, and then we can head to the Lifestyle store. I heard they have a sale going on,” Tarini says, her enthusiasm infectious.
“Yay, let’s go. You know what, if Veer had been here, he’d say, ‘Uh, why do you girls shop so much? Huh! You’ll send me home with empty pockets,’” Vaishnavi mimics her male best friend, but at the same time, they hear the voice echoing.
As the ladies turn around, they find Veer beaming at them. He sends a teasing glance at Vaishnavi, who giggles.
“Tarini won’t, but you will send me home with empty pockets, Vaishu! You’ll buy everything with my money,” Veer says teasingly.
“Hah, that’s my right, Veer,” Vaishnavi says, and the three head further into the shopping mall.
An hour passes by when they emerge from the Lifestyle shop, and Tarini insists that she needs to purchase a few everyday items. She heads into a grocery store, and after picking up the required items, as she turns to leave, she freezes in place. Rocky is standing in front of her, sending a shiver down her spine.
“Hey, Princess!”
“You thought you could escape me? You can’t, darling!” he says, moving closer to her, trying to grab her hand.
“Oh, please, just leave me alone, Rocky,” she says, her voice trembling.
“No, no! I’ve been searching for you, my love. You tried to expose us, and now, you’ll need to pay the price,” he says, tightening his grip on her hand.
“Rocky, what you’re doing is wrong. You know what I did was right,” she says, jerking her hand free and pushing him away.
Rocky steadies himself and reaches out to grab Tarini’s hand again, but someone steps in between them. It’s Veer, who grabs Rocky by the collar.
“Didn’t you hear? She said NO. Leave her alone, and don’t create a scene here,” Veer says, pushing him out of the shop and the mall.
Rocky tries to brainwash Veer, telling him that Tarini is his girlfriend and that he’s just trying to convince her, but Veer knows the truth. He had seen the fear in Tarini’s eyes and knew the guy was harassing her. He calls the police and hands Rocky over to them.
When Veer turns back, he doesn’t see Tarini anywhere. He questions Vaishnavi, who tells him that she has gone home. Concerned, Veer tries to call her, but she doesn’t pick up. Instead, she sends him a message saying she wants to be alone for a while. He sighs deeply. Despite his need to know the truth, Veer respects Tarini’s decision and lets it go. He decides to check on her later and drops Vaishnavi at her home.
That day, as he returns home, his thoughts revolve around Tarini. He had seen the tension between her and that guy, the pleading in her eyes, and he wants to understand why the man was after her. However, he knows he needs to wait until Tarini is ready to reveal all her secrets.
Later that night, Tarini finds herself in the confines of her room, sitting on the bed, holding a cushion in her hands. The memory of the case from four years ago is as fresh as dew drops in her mind. She can feel the visuals playing—the time when she joined Raghav’s team and fell for Rocky. Rocky had been a gentleman back then, but there was a moment when she felt her cover was blown. Her thoughts are interrupted by the doorbell, breaking the silence of the room. She walks over to open the door, only to find Veer standing there.
“Veer, what brings you here?” she asks, her curiosity piqued.
“Are you okay, Tarini?” he asks, his tone concerned.
“I’m fine, Veer. Don’t worry,” Tarini replies as she steps aside, letting him enter.
“Really? I don’t believe you, Tarini. I mean, you’re hiding something, aren’t you?” he asks, gazing into her eyes.
“No, Veer, you’re overthinking. Anyway, thanks for stepping in at the mall today,” she says, grateful that he was nearby when Rocky tried to talk to her.
“Vaishnavi and I were right behind you. And to tell you the truth, I already noticed him. He was keeping an eye on us, which is why I wanted you to stay with us,” Veer explains, revealing how he had noticed Rocky and why he arrived earlier than the girls anticipated.
Tarini is shocked, unable to believe him. So, her instinct was right. Rocky was certainly after her. His goal was revenge because, while following the gang, some of its members had been killed in an encounter with her four years ago. She takes a deep breath and glances at him.
“I know, Veer. It was bound to happen. A few days ago, I read in the news that Rocky has been released from jail. And you know what?” She looks at him again, while he watches her, urging her to continue.
“I remember the precise moment, crouching behind a crumbling mud wall, peeking into the alley near the frozen creek. That was a long time ago, but it’s wrong what they say about the past—I’ve learned how you can’t bury it. Because the past claws its way out. It’s the truth, Veer! My past has resurfaced yet again,” Tarini responds.
Veer is shocked as she further reveals details about the gang, the Scarlet Reapers, and how she ended up infiltrating the gang to expose them. And in the process, she fell for Rocky.
“Rocky was always concerned for me. I didn’t even realize when I fell for him. Yes, I had to keep myself guarded, but there was something about his presence that made me lower my defenses,” Tarini explains.
“I entered the business and the gang to expose their heinous crimes, Veer. Amidst all those selfish people, I found Rocky. He was different. I noticed that he started taking care of me. Out of nowhere, he’d bump into me and urge me to spend time with him. I was always on guard, but you know how love is,” she says, gazing at her friend for understanding.
“I felt drawn to him, and to give it meaning, Rocky proposed to me on my birthday,” Tarini says as she reminisces about the past while Veer listens attentively.
“And I gave in. I had started to love him, Veer. But then, one day when I was talking to my peers, Rocky overheard me. I wanted to explain things, but he wasn’t ready to understand. I thought I could change Rocky and that we’d lead a happy life,” she says, her eyes filling with tears.
“And soon after, when the gang learned that I was a journalist and plotting against them, they came after me. I’ve been on the run, Veer, and that’s why I joined CID. Anoop Sir didn’t want me to risk my life, and neither did I,” Tarini explains, looking at Veer, only to find concern etched on his face.
“I knew you were hiding something serious. I’m glad you told me everything, Tarini. We will catch this gang—both Raghav and Rocky,” he assures her.
“I know. It’s something I can’t run from. As I said, the past always finds its way, just like mine did,” Tarini says, her tone laced with a profound thought that Veer can understand.
“Yeah, but we can make new memories, Tarini. That’s what you need to do. I’ll help you,” he says, his tone honest and earnest.
“Thanks, Veer. I’m glad you understand my situation, but I’m unsure,” she says, her tone laced with dejection.
“It’s okay, Tarini. We’ll figure it out. Don’t stress about it at the moment,” he says.
Tarini feels her heart swell with emotion. She’s glad to have him by her side. His words are like a soothing balm to her aching soul. She asks him for coffee, and as they sit holding cups of steaming coffee, she looks at him and finds him thoughtful.
“What are you thinking?” she asks.
“Tarini, I’ve heard many stories about the Scarlet Reapers. They’re not just a gang, they’re dangerous. The police force has been after them for a long time. Even I have studied them; they are not easy to crack,” Veer says, his tone sincere and concerned.
“I know, Veer! And this is why I am worried. I just want to get rid of Rocky, the Scarlet Reapers, and everything related to them. It’s my past, and I want to move on, Veer,” she says, her tone earnest.
“We’ll have to plan, Tarini. Maybe involve our team. Map Raghav and Rocky, and then we can do something,” he suggests.
“You’re right! Anyway, Veer, I’m glad you’re here. You’re the first one to know about this secret of my life,” Tarini says, her tone steady and grateful.
“It’s proof that you trust me, Tarini. I’m glad you opened up. I had this feeling from day one that you were hiding something. But then I thought to give you space,” he says, expressing his concern.
“That’s sweet of you, Veer. You’re different from all the other people I have met,” she says, her tone honest, and there’s hope glimmering in her eyes.
“Glad you think so, Tarini. Anyway, I must leave. Please remember, you’re not alone; I’m here, backing you up, always,” he says, his tone convincing, and Tarini can see the concern etched on his face.
She nods, her eyes glimmering with hope. She knows she’s not alone in this battle and that Veer will always be there. This is the much-needed courage she needed to take a step ahead in her life. Veer leaves Tarini’s home with a sense of accomplishment in his heart. He’s glad to be the person Tarini has placed her trust in. He has already chosen her as the one he wants to spend his life with. Now, he only has to wait for the right time to profess his feelings for this charismatic, mystifying lady.
A few days pass by smoothly. In the meantime, Tarini feels herself drawn toward Veer. She often finds herself sharing small details with him, taking comfort in his warmth and presence. She has started talking to him openly, and they frequently discuss the Scarlet Reapers gang. ACP Prabhat assigns the task of investigating the gang to Tarini and Veer. The ACP is aware of the conflict between Tarini and the gang, so he asks Veer to handle it intelligently. Tarini feels that life has come full circle for her.
They reach Tarini’s home, and she asks him to stay for dinner. After freshening up, she begins brewing some coffee for them. She decides they should hatch a plan before starting their mission. As they sit together, she turns to him and expresses her concerns.
“Veer, we must make a plan before we head out on this mission. As you said, they’re notorious and clever people,” she says.
“You’re right, Tarini! We need a solid plan. What do you suggest based on your experience?” he asks as he takes the cup she hands him.
“We need to stay alert, Veer. We won’t know when they might strike. We have to keep our defenses strong and anticipate their moves before we make any,” Tarini says, her tone laced with confidence
Veer listens thoughtfully as Tarini shares her experience with the gang. He’s surprised by the depth of her knowledge and the solutions she proposes. As they develop a plan, they feel hopeful that they will be able to expose the Scarlet Reapers and put the criminals behind bars.
Tarini glances at Veer as he explains their initial plans. She feels her insecurities fading away, and in that moment, she knows she’s safe with him by her side. There is a glimmer of hope surrounding them. In that moment, she believes they can fight against the criminals and find the peace that has been missing in their lives.
As the night deepens, Tarini and Veer finalize their plan of action, confident that it will help them expose the criminal gang they’ve been pursuing for so many years.
Veer gives one last look at Tarini, who reaches out to hold his hand. Her heart is filled with a mix of emotions; she’s both grateful and confident. She peers into his eyes, her gaze full of emotion.
“I trust you, Veer. I’m sure this plan will work. Let’s do this!” she says, her voice heavy with emotion, yet her eyes holding an unwavering resolve.
“We will unmask all their secrets, Tarini, trust me!” he says and presses his lips to her forehead—a silent promise that he’s there as a friend and more, if she allows.
She smiles as Veer leaves her house, knowing they need to prep for the mission. As he departs, Tarini realizes that she’s not alone in this battle. With Veer by her side, she knows she’ll accomplish all her dreams.