
Moumita Dutta posted under PenMuse-53 Poetry on 2023-06-21

Far away, in a land where the gay winds tickle and tease There, in that place serene, my soul found ease, That enchanting realm was adorned with motley hues  Where I unraveled myself, inspired by nature, my muse. As the meadows embraced the warmth of dawn  I shed the mask and helped myself to be reborn, That mystic land was a sanctuary divine It helped me to rediscover myself, and shine. I broke free of the shackles of disguise Shedding the load of shame and fear, I did rise, Once I discovered my identity anew A sense of freedom within me, grew. With love as my guide, I ventured forth For, I finally understood my worth, The elements of nature were a blessing They made my self-discovery journey, fascinating. So here’s my ode to the place charming That filled my heart with the colours of spring, As I bid that pious terrain goodbye A rainbow appeared, as if to glorify.     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!