Unrequited Love

She travelled far and wide on shadowy terrain In scorching, sweltering heat and incessant rain In search of her beloved, ready to endure pain Yearning for unrequited love was her only bane Streaming tears flowed like a cascade! At last she reached a dark and lonely dim valley Where she was told that her beloved she could see Her despair turned into an attitude of esprit From an abyss there was his voice full of blissful glee Fleeing Tears couldn't see a respite! Waiting to embrace and mingle loving souls today She had lived for her love to culminate in display As she peeped into the gorge to see pining hearts at play She was sucked into a whirlpool of uncertain array Her obsessed, longing wait was over!   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!