Unrequited Love

Srividya Subramanian posted under Tale-a-thlon S4: Poetry on 2024-08-21

Never mind you never saw my arms and flew, My love,

My thoughts are strong enough to imprison you, My Love.


Paramour! I kiss the wine glass that held your fair face,

The night's gone yet I gaze into bottles blue, My Love.


Like honey bees humming a spasmodic symphony,

I croon soft songs for love to flower anew, My Love.


The moon's milky glow disowns darkness that rules the night,

Thus, with your soft grace, greys in my life are few, My Love.


O dear! Watch the lit chandeliers on the dreamy lawns,

Sway to ghazals and create memories new, My Love.


The wait's over! My heart succumbs to rhythm of love beats,

Lo! I see you in His arms, my fate I rue, My Love.