Unrequited love - A wish that never came true!

Amrita Lahiri posted under PenMuse-09 Poetry on 2019-07-14

I wish you would have accepted my rose..  My plummeting fortune would have rose.. I wish you liked the picturesque scene..  You turned your back, asked me not to be seen..  I wish that you could sense my heart beat..  Not a battle so big that I couldn't beat..  If only you wouldn't have acted so mean..  But felt my emotions, what did I mean..  In your love, I always wanted to soar.. With dejection, my naive soul felt sore.. Your refusal turned me weak..  Grievous dreams visits me every week..  You would never come back to me, I know.. My mind echoes with your resounding No... Although your rejection cost me dear. . I am unable to let go, Oh dear! ________________ ________________