Unveiling Dreams

Roohi Bhargava posted under Tale-a-thlon S4: Flash Fiction on 2024-08-04

A home is a safe sanctuary where you can be your true self. But at times, you need to step out of your sanctuary, taking one step at a time. Tarini Mittal thinks so.

Tarini is a young, enthusiastic woman in her mid-twenties. She’s an aspiring fashion and jewelry designer. Ever since the pandemic hit the world, she has worked as a freelancer for many companies and has created a good reputation in the fashion world. Now that the pandemic is over, she wants to move out of her house and make a brand name for herself. However, her parents believe that she’s getting business online and that she should stay at home. Of course, that’s true, but now she doesn’t want to stay at home.

She often falls into arguments with her parents, especially her mom. One day, she loses her cool and shouts at her mother.

“Mom, just because I am taking work-from-home projects doesn’t mean that I can’t work in an office or step out of the house. It was important to work from home, but now everyone can step out. Why don’t you let me go?”

“You always have my wedding at your fingertips, but you don’t want to let me work outside. I am pissed off, Mom! Please give me a break. Don’t take my work lightly.”

Tarini rushes into her room, breaking into tears. She feels deceived even by her parents. However, she is determined to take a leap of faith and prove her worth. Living with her parents has been comforting for her, but it’s also irksome. She wants some space alone and needs to concentrate on her business. After much procrastination, Tarini decides to shift to Mumbai, the city of dreams. She enrolls herself in a year-long diploma course in designing and, through the course, simultaneously works on her business—Divine Dazzle.

Her mother tries to change her mind, coaxing her to stay back, but she takes a strong step for herself. However, her life doesn’t become easy in Mumbai. She starts her diploma course. Every day is a whirlwind of activity; she attends her classes, works on her freelance projects, and brainstorms ideas for her business. All of it proves challenging for her, but she doesn’t lose hope.

With occasional conversations with her parents, Tarini continues working hard. As days turn into months and months into years, she starts seeing results.She passes her diploma course with distinction and also starts taking orders through her business.

She launches a website that showcases all her designs—simple yet elegant. Influential figures in the industry begin noticing her work, and she starts getting bigger clients. Soon, Divine Dazzle becomes a prominent name in the fashion industry—a beacon of Tarini’s success. Her happiness knows no bounds. One day, after wrapping up her annual fashion show, she recalls the times she spent with her parents and decides to take a vacation and visit home.


Arriving home after three years is surreal for Tarini. She finds that nothing has changed in past three years. The main gate is freshly painted in blue color, and there is a scooty parked in front of her house. Tarini is surprised. Earlier, when she demanded one during her college days, her parents were fearful of her getting hurt. Now, their mindset has changed. She catches the sight of her parents waiting for her. They give her a warm welcome and shower her with love. Her mother reaches out to her.

“I am sorry, honey. I didn’t understand your plight earlier. I thought staying home would keep you safe, but I forgot that all of us have to follow a journey, and you had to travel your own path. I am so proud of you, Tarini.”

“Yes, honey, I know we’ve kept you deprived of some things in your life, but not anymore. You’ve already found the keys to your freedom, and it’s in Mumbai. Here’s to everything that you do, and I hope this time you won’t feel caged,” her father says as he drops the keys to the scooty in her hand.

Tarini is teary-eyed. She didn’t expect a change of heart from her parents. She delves in their warmth, reflecting on her journey so far. She has finally shown that with passion, dedication, and resilience, one can achieve their dreams. Tarini is glad to be in the warmth of her home, with her dreams enveloping her like a warm blanket.