
Zeyd Ladha posted under QuinTale-63 on 2024-05-22

“You can’t run forever!” yelled Elijah, on a fateful night in June 1940.
Jacob frowned. “What would you have us do?”
“Fight, brothers. Fight!”
“With what?” asked Benjamin. “And how many are we?”
“Not many,” replied Elijah. “But if we follow a plan, we could be enough.”
“For death and glory?” asked Jacob.
“For freedom, for our people, for our children,” replied Elijah.
There was silence in the basement hideout. Elijah planted a thought in their hearts. So far, they had been escaping, the thought of fighting back was scary but intriguing.
“What’s your plan?” asked Benjamin.
“They are fighting on multiple fronts. As they invade France, I learn from inside sources, they plan an air strike on England. Let’s make them fight inside too, divide their forces!”
“How do you plan to do that?”
“We infiltrate the camps, one of us in each of the major camps. One from us will escape to France and then to England. If we can warn Churchill of the strike, he may help us in our fight for liberation.”
“How do we decide who goes where?” asked Benjamin.
“Jacob, you have contacts in England, so you will go. Auschwitz is dangerous but also the camp that needs to be awakened, I will go in there,” said Elijah and went on to assign roles.
“Many will lose their lives,” warned Jacob.
“If we fight, some of us will die, if we don’t, most of us will,” replied Elijah.
Jacob nodded. “What about weapons?”
“To start we will seize weapons from the SS guards at the camp before raiding the Nazi ammunition stores.”
There was silence for a couple of minutes.
“My friends, be proud of yourselves. Whether we make it or not, our movements must survive beyond any one of us individually,” said Elijah. They dispersed with a date to put their plan in action.
As news of revolts in the camps broke out, Hitler was furious. Thousands of Jews attacked the few SS guards at the camps. Though many sacrificed their lives, they gained control of the camps. To curb the uprising, Hitler pulled back forces from France. With armed Jews within Germany and an advancing French army on the other, the Nazi’s were sandwiched. Hitler summoned troops from Denmark and Norway as well. The Nazi army regained composure and were effectively fighting on both fronts.
Elijah and his men feared the worst consequences should they lose this battle. They fought with all their might till one day, news arrived that Germany lost the Battle of Britain. This made them fight with renewed vigour. The German forces continued to hit them hard and they were now running out of ammunition. Just when it seemed the revolution would end in defeat, they heard deafening screeches of fighter jets. They looked up to see British fighters had arrived.
“Jacob, you have done it!” exclaimed Elijah.
German forces were crushed. Hitler could not stand the humiliation and committed suicide bringing World War Two to an end.