
Aarti Roy posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-26 on 2021-01-19

I trundled in the bed under the overcast quilt as the Sun entered through the vizors. The clock struck six in the morning, the pesky Sun played truant, poking my wrinkled eyes. Unaware that my eyes and sleep had parted ways since years. My feeble attempt to hold my stick failed. Thud! “Dadda,” Kiara jumped off the rocking chair “Aaaaaaaaaaa,” I mumbled. I cursed myself for depriving my angel of her much-coveted sleep.  *** Five years ago  “Dadda, IPS Officer Kiara Sharma has found our culprit, this pizza guy,” exclaimed Kiara. “Dadda, Dadddaaa,” Kiara screamed as she saw my torso grazing on the ground. A month-long stay in MICU and I returned maimed on a wheelchair. Kiara broke up with Sameer. She lied to me that they weren't compatible enough. After all, she was my “Little Mumma” how could she leave me alone like this. She dissolved her life in mine as I dissolved in disgust each day. *** Present Day “Why you try when you can't, I am there na!”, hollered Kiara. I ruffled her hair with my shaky fingers as tears trickled down my cheeks. She closed her tired eyes and cursed herself for shouting. “Maa, I miss you,” she whispered. I saw a pearl escape her almond eyes. *** 10 years ago As you tossed on the bed, my amorous heart so wished to take you in a snug embrace at that moment. “Daddaaaaaaa, we are late,” Kiara brought me out of reverie. I left with butterfly peck on your cheek and a note just to compensate for our fight. Mahi, I am taking Kiara to school and Mom will pick her up. Breakfast is on the table. I am leaving my debit card under the pillow. I understand you work hard my love. Take a break, pamper yourself for the day. “Tringggg!” the phone beeped as soon as I dropped Kiara. “Muaaaaah, thank you for my favourite breakfast. You know that way to my heart goes from my stomach,” you chuckled.   “Why do you do that Mahi, no calls while driving,” I shrieked. “I am a better driver than you,” you argued. On the way back home, as I counted the seconds on the digital clock, I realised my cellphone was switched off. The moment I switched it on, 21 missed calls flashed on the screen.  I called you back only to find that our world was shattered. I blamed it on your careless driving. *** 5 years ago Kiara reopened your accident case and found the culprit.  *** 10 Years ago, 21st October  My car was dud just after your call. There was a client meeting in twenty-one minutes. Trapped between vehicles due to incessant rains, I borrowed a bike from a person and wore his jacket. I removed two sarsens and the caution board from the newly built divider on NH21 and took the shortest route to the office. I reached office as Pizza Boy No.21.


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