
Bhavi Thakkar posted under Flash Fiction Quintale-17 on 2020-03-21

"She looks gorgeous!" exclaimed a bystander seeing a beautiful young lady wearing shimmery red, off-shoulder dress with a thigh high slit and pencil heels. She is wearing a black mask which is perfectly complementing her outfit. The Ranas are well-known and one of the richest families of Lucknow. They are celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary and the theme is a masquerade ball. The party is in full swing, someone shrieks. It was the hostess herself. "My diamond necklace is missing!” The Police are called immediately and they search everyone, but there is no trace of it. Samantha is a beautiful and ambitious young woman. She works as a make-up artist in Mumbai. She lives in an apartment with her parents. She was seen at the party, attracting a lot of attention from the men present. But she rushed home soon, and nobody knew why and when she had left. Nobody knew the pretty lady. A few weeks later, there is a celebration at a renowned restaurant in Delhi. The hosts have been blessed with a baby girl after years of prayers. The ambience is lively.  A live band is playing music and people are dancing. Mouth watering food is being served. A few men however seem distracted. A gorgeous lady wearing a white flair sleeveless dress, paired with silver sandals, is leaning against the bar table waiting for her wine to be served. The bartender too is awestruck by her beauty and while he is handing her drink to her, the glass slips from his hands and shatters on the floor. The red wine spills all over the lady’s dress. Embarrassed, she hurriedly leaves the party. Nobody knew the lady from anywhere. They assumed that she was the new assistant at the company. A sudden cry was heard from the other side of the main hall. "The diamond-studded gold crown especially designed for the baby is missing!"Exclaims the hostess. The police arrive well in time and search everyone, but in vain. The crown was long gone, just like the diamond necklace from the news they had seen a few weeks back. After a few more such incidents it was found out that the mystery woman was none other than Samantha. She was from a middle-class family and had grown up settling for the lesser things. Once, when she was in school, one of her classmates had gotten a nice pencil-box. She loved it so much that she couldn't resist flicking it. A few more such incidents later she was addicted to it. She later went on to become a make-up artist and came in contact with a lot of rich people. She was earning good but her old habit refused to go and she began stealing precious things from all the parties she attended as a make-up artist and began keeping them as souvenirs. Everybody was awestruck by her beauty and this made it easier for her to get away with the stolen items. ______


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