Vote of Thanks

Rashi Goel posted under PenMuse-07 Poetry Villanelle on 2019-05-22

Whom to thank first seems like running on ice as I turn fifty today Who gave me birth, or raised me up, enriched with education, or the one who completed me Seems like a plethora of people behind this women entrepreneur single mother runway Abandoned by my birth parents, given living by foster home, education funded by maternal bay Or those friends, colleagues, readers, writers who always encouraged and uplifted me Whom to thank first seems like running on ice as I turn fifty today Husband for four years who made me his world altogether unfortunately died one day Blamed by my family for the loss, my son’s face lifted me up what else I see, Seems like a plethora of people behind this women entrepreneur single mother runway Stuck among the voracious opposite gender, it seemed so perplexing to decide my way Whom to believe, whom to not, that noble shopkeeper who gave me his pen for free Whom to thank first seems like running on ice as I turn fifty today I started to write, guide, review, publish, mushrooming day by day At thirty, received first global recognition for my first inspirational novel, ‘She’ Seems like a plethora of people behind this women entrepreneur single mother runway Ten bestselling novels, multiple awards and standing orations I earned come what may Accomplished everything before my skin aged, pride in their eyes O’ Thee Whom to thank first seems like running on ice as I turn fifty today Seems like a plethora of people behind this women entrepreneur single mother runway. For more of such content follow us on Social Media: