
Saumaya Gupta posted under PenMuse-46 Poetry on 2022-11-18

A useless attempt at a mock- The mirror’s taunting gaze at me, The only thing it scorns is today’s society, The ridiculous and unattainable beauty crest. The mirror’s taunting gaze at me, Leaves me unbothered, unscathed, For there is more I have to worry about, Than the impractical standards set by the mad, the crack. The only thing it scorns is today’s society, And it’s narcissistic vision, For the truth is, it’s only human, To be imperfectly beautiful and beautifully imperfect. The ridiculous and unattainable beauty crest, Is everything that’s wrong with the world, For women shouldn’t be taught to hate themselves, But to love each other however they are.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!