
Sonam Sahoo posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-27 on 2021-02-18

Oftentimes, you come across a word and all your shafts and valves instantly scream- that's so me! That's precisely how the hodophile in me came to know of its existence. Alas, I'm one with limited resources. I need someone to take me places.  Yeah, I know that rhymed- travel can do that to you; kindles your deep buried hippocrenian spirit. It's been more than three months, the longest sojourn I have had in my lifetime. However, today, I can feel the promise of a new peregrination in the hiemal breeze. Okay, okay, that was a little much, I admit. The real reason I feel so sure is because  I'm joined by my buddy, Osprey- a fellow traveller who sadly does not share my frequency of humour. "Duuuuuddde, how goes? Long time, no see-ya! Ready to rock and rrrooolllll-ya!!" "We discussed this last time! Boundaries! And, I'm good. How about you, friend?" See- no funny stitch, hem or seam in him. "All good. Know where w'all heading today?" "Friend, not that I was eavesdropping but he mentioned about painting sunrise." Oh, the possibilities for this one. *** Gripping my steering wheel tightly, the human whispers, "My old boy, camper-van, please don't shut down in the middle of nowhere!" Ah, that triggers me! I've tried to correct him countless times; the 'mp' is silent. Name is Caravan. I’m one-eighth French (well, to be honest since I trust y’all, I ain't but a Cadillac once swooned over me when I told her this... you get my drift).  However, a minor technicality doesn't let us have this conversation. How cool it would be if I could talk and he understood? For instance, I did promise to not shut down but what a young caravan like me gotta do when an extraordinarily breathtaking view presents itself? My alloromantic engine involuntarily heats up and stalls for a few oeillades towards halcyon landscape. "Osprey! The two of us can guess the destination by what he has packed in you." "Excuse me, mister!! That's no way to talk to a respectable gentle-bag like moi!" Demoted from Friend to Mister?! I guess, it's gonna be a conversation-less ride. I wonder sometimes, how humans knew where a road was leading to. Before you quip, I know about the “map”. However, to jot into it, someone must have had to traverse all the roads, swam across every water body and cut a swathe through innumerous jungles and whatnots. I tend to ramble without preamble when I'm running low on my energy juice. Oh shit!! Did I forget to blink my fuel indicator?? Not again! Oh bother!! How embarrassing. But the upside? It's not “nowhere” but the edge of woods. Don't worry, this is not an open season for bears, plus I'm pretty sure all my locks are intact. Yikes! Just remembered, my windows don't roll up! Well, I'm going to pray hard for all the bears to continue enjoying their hibernation. *** Glossary - Osprey: A brand for backpacks and other adventurous gear.


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