
Lavanya P Kesan posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-27 on 2021-02-09

“The show begins soon. Be prepared!” Ms.Kelly warned. “Ah! How I wish it’s light today,” prayed Mr.Telly. “Not to worry, Mr.Telly. The adults protect you from any harm very prudently,” encouraged Ms.Kelly as the house’s occupants slowly woke up from their lazy afternoon naps. “Hmmm..but, it’s a weekend. Won’t the family want to spend the evening outside?” Mr.Telly’s wishful thinking was in vain. You should know better, Mr.Telly. Weekends are bad! With this countrywide lockdown situation, none are able to get out of their houses. These kids are balls of energy, I tell you. They tend to spend every ounce of it within these four walls. Imagine our plight....” Ms. Kelly’s voice trailed off as she shuddered at the thought. The slight shiver led to an immediate dip in temperature. “Oh, easy Ms.Kelly! You might just freeze,” smirked Mr.Telly. “Please..I am Smart, dear Mr.Telly. I have evolved as much as you have, haven’t I?” Ms.Kelly rolled her eyes, as Mr.Telly threw furtive glances at his tall mate. “So, I see you have been all over me, Ms.Kelly?” Mr.Telly smiled slyly. “I beg your pardon? I guess you should watch what you speak, Mr.Telly,” hissed Ms.Kelly. “You took me wrong, Miss. I meant that you observe what I provide, very closely. Anyway, I am always being watched,” Mr.Telly guffawed loud at his own pun. The hour went by with Ms.Kelly huffing and puffing at the jokes cracked by her companion; yet, she appeared to bask in the attention of her wired friend. The third wheel was snoring away to glory, apparently. For a change, the Chandlers’ residence was silent, with the two adults of the house engaged in mild banter, dotted inconspicuously with giggles and laughs, as they busied themselves in the kitchen. Ahem..guess they have their we-time only when the tots are asleep,” remarked Mr.Telly.  “Predictably! The twins ensure to keep them on their toes. Their mom is always on an overtime duty,” mentioned Ms.Kelly thoughtfully. Precisely that moment, two little groggy heads appeared from the bedroom and chorused ‘Maaaa...’ in perfect unison. The parents immediately scooped them up.  The dusky evening stretched into darkness and the racket inside the house gradually picked up a few notches. The identical toddlers were at the peaks of their energy levels when they picked up their wooden toy bats to play with their dad.  “God save us! I foresee a dirty game!” Mr.Telly announced trying to hide behind the cover, blithely placed over his head. Almost on cue, one of the twins hit the Refrigerator with his bat. Ms.Kelly shrieked. “Gosh, here approaches the next,” yelped Mr.Telly. “Nooo..not the Television, champ!” The dad screamed. The twins squealed and made a beeline for their next target, the washing machine. “Oh, my dear amigo…” Mr.Telly cried as another whack echoed through the house. The hullabaloo continued into the hour, until dinner. That night, as the appliances brooded over their damaged metallic bodies, three dents and a crack got included into the Chandlers’ list of repairs. *** Author’s Note :- With a naughty toddler at home, I have always wondered how would my precious appliances react, if they are blessed with the ability to speak. And here I am, giving shape to my imagination. Well, I did want to include the grievances of the washing machine too, but, had to limit to the top 2, abiding by the rules. ☺ Any resemblance or similarity to situation/s that you are facing/had faced in the past is not co-incidental, but, absolutely possible! 


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