What You Lost

Sparsh Verma posted under PenMuse-02 Poetry on 2018-12-11

Have you ever sat down alone on your old home’s floor Gazing reminiscently into the empty walls around Wishing the past would walk in right through the door And this deafening silence would fill with love and sound Have you ever dusted away those old squeaky toys Whose funny noises once echoed through your home Rediscover the almirahs where you hid with other boys Walk again in the flowery gardens you once used to roam Have you ever flipped through the thumbed pages of the book Within which you hid the roses she gave one valentine Rustled through the worn out photos of her that you took In the days when all you had was love without a penny or a dime And today when you stand all alone in this emptiness Shoulders weighed down by all the glories you have earned You realise all along you were just chasing an illusion of happiness It was that lost childhood for which your heart always yearned