When I am Seventy-two

Oh, a lot of siblings, loving parents, friends more love, affection and camaraderie than material comforts Childhood passed off with all play and no work School was fun and as light as the schoolbag then! Early adulthood was serious studies and research in science Like Newton’s child admiring pebbles and colored sands  Even as the vast ocean of knowledge lay uncovered A little light flashing now and then stimulating the brain. Career and family did quickly follow in tandem Forever tirelessly in search of the holy grail Little time to let the hair down and smell roses Ah, middle age did pass at lightning speed. Growing older and necessarily wiser bring disciples to mentor A lot of hand-holding and unscrambling of confused intellects At a leisurely pace, many a thing was accomplished Retirement beckoned with a promise of rest and relaxation. Man only proposes but the progeny finally disposes I am stuck with the financial and asset management Value-adding to portfolios, stocks and shares, land deals and wealth building “Oh, my dear old man, you can handle it!”     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!