Whispers of Heart
Surrounded by minacious darkness
Sane seems life no more, my soul tattered and torn
Shuddery mind lost in the wilderness
Sparkling eyes once, now stone cold and forlorn
Ugh! The path ahead seems so blurry
Uncertain future, thorny road, briny streams
Unpleasant memories transpire in a hurry
Unable to discern reality from dreams
Gargoyles from their slumber awaken
Ginormous they seem, are they my foes or friends?
"Girl, you are insane!" they scream, am I forsaken?
Gosh! The tedious combat never ends
Apprehensive mind jammed with morbid thoughts
Alas! Feels like I have reached life's border
Arms numbed, thanks to those Lithium shots
Ah! Is this what they call "Bipolar Disorder"?
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