Yes, It's Me

Durriya Sakarwala posted under PenMuse-53 Poetry on 2023-06-13

Red bangles, radiant vermillion shines, Enveloped in a saree, I feel divine. My husky tone accompanies a puckish walk,  The populace stares as I talk. Struggles I embark on, daily, Rights, reservations, policies, and bills. My life is a constant thrill.  Am I a blessing or a curse?  Society decides my course.  Traffic signals, local trains, slums,  I balance my customary humdrum.  Claps are my identity,  I am proud of this affinity.  My skin is elegantly unique,  My shape is distinctively oblique.  The common thread between us, Is that, like every living being, Even my heart beats and bleeds.  Humanitarian support is all, I seek.     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!