Yielding to Thee

Shristee Singh posted under PenMuse-16 Poetry on 2020-02-17

Winds whispered thy name, enchanted I stood, Watching ripples dance in absolute glee. Verdant was the turf, frosty were the woods, Blossoms swayed, spreading odour sweet in spree. I looked above and surrendered to thee! Standing in awe of life, I moved ahead,  As all that was mine, was thine, I could see. Life, was a mysterious book unread. Some paths were enticing, some I did dread, But having faith in thy majestic way. Dropping all trepidations I did tread, And with glee passed obstacles, like a play! With grace, I stride on the paths, unseeing… Yielding to thyself, sets free my being! ___ ___   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!