This story has been written as a sequel to my story for QuinTale-60. Before reading this story, kindly read When Pammi Aunty, Percy Jackson And Rann Utsav Worked Their Magic! to get a better understanding of the sequel!
Rann Utsav – Day 1
Hey Ahana… All of you checked in?
Hi Tarun. Yes. What about you? All settled?
Yes. Everyone’s out like a light. After a short rest, we are planning to explore the shops outside. Wanna join?
Oh poor you! I hate to burst your bubble, Doc, but your parents and mine already made plans to go out in the evening and give both of us some ‘much needed together-time to get to know each other’.
When did they decide this!?
When you were collecting your baggage from the conveyer belt.
This scheming side of my mom is really scary.
Oh you have no idea what moms can do when it comes to match-making!
I am sorry if my mom said anything inappropriate.
Nothing to worry, Doc. She was asking where I got my tattoos from. Apparently, she is interested in getting one herself.
Don’t worry. I think she was just trying to gel up to me. I found it very cute. I will not take her anywhere to get a tattoo. Heck, we do not even know whether this will work out, man!
I know, right!? But you should probably give your dad a heads-up, for he was asking whether I am planning to buy a new house before/after marriage.
No! My dad just didn’t ask you THAT!!
He is concerned, I get it. I guess this isn’t the right time to tell you that your mother asked me if there was any place I preferred to get married at.
No. No. No! But then your mother asked me about my plans for the future – work as well as children. So we are even, I guess.
It is amazing – the speed at which our ‘relationship’ is already progressing where our parents are concerned. I mean, we chatted last night and came face-to-face today for the first time. HOW ARE OUR PARENTS ALREADY PLANNING A WEDDING???
Welcome to the Big Filmy Indian Match-making, Doc!
So I will catch up with you some time later. Be prepared to be wooed by me in our ‘together-time’.
Yep. We should already start planning our honeymoon location.
Shhh! Please do not put any more ideas into my mom’s brain! She will book a package right now if she even gets a whiff of this!
Haha. See ya, Doc.
Hey Doc… you awake?
Yep. You couldn’t sleep either?
No. Wanna sneak out?
And give more fodder for our parents to plan the ‘wedding’? No, thanks.
You are rejecting your partner’s plea to spend some time together? What sort of a husband are you?
Ahana I beg of you… do not even use this word in front of your parents or mine. Before you know it, we both will be holding our marriage certificate in hand.
Haha. Just kidding. BTW, thanks for the beautiful necklace. I really love it but I couldn’t say anything in front of everyone.
That was the most awkward moment of my life in front of a girl! To be manhandled by my mom in front of a girl (and her entire family) to buy a necklace for the said girl (and then being publicly scolded by mom for not thinking about it in the first place) … I am sorry if it was awkward for you. I thought it would look good on you. After all you like black, right?
Yes, you got that right. It wasn’t awkward for me. It was FUNNY.
I had a feeling that the constipated look on your face was because of your effort to not to laugh.
It was by no means a constipated look!
I am a doctor, trust me (and don’t ask me how or why) but I am quite familiar with this look (sadly).
Way to woo your betrothed, ye-who-are-bffs-with-constipation…
BFFs is taking it too far… I have just handled a lot of patients with this problem. My mom only has to hear the word ‘betrothed’….
Hmm… I have to ask you a question.
Go on.
Are you a mama’s boy??
You would have seen me shoot out a jet of water from my mouth if you were in front of me. Tip: give some advance warning or heads-up before asking such questions to someone who is drinking water.
And to answer your question – no, I am not a Mama’s boy. I take my own decisions, thank you very much.
Okay. Another question if I may…
Wait. Let me drink some water first. Yep. Go on.
Do you share everything with your parents?
This has to be the worst interrogation of my life. No, I do not share everything with my parents! What do you take me for, seriously! Not a good trait to doubt your betrothed, my dear…
Haha. You are catching up with me! So, tell me something that your parents do not know. I will go first. I did not pack a single traditional wear for this trip! Mom wanted me to make a good impression on you and your parents. I will always be my original self and never put on any pretense.
That’s my girl!
Wait. ‘Aunty! Look what your boy just said…’
You haven’t replied. Tell me something your parents do not know.
Hmmm. Okay. They do not know that I am already fascinated by you.
Come on, Doc. Get serious! I revealed my deepest and darkest secret to you!
And I just revealed my deepest and definitely not darkest secret to you.
You are serious?
Yep I am. But I want to assure you that this doesn’t mean anything. I like you, I find you fascinating and I also respect your choice and your boundaries. So let’s see where we go with this, right?
You all joining us for the Yoga session tomorrow morning?
Sure, Doc.
Then see you at 6.30 at the Activity Area. Good night, Ahana.
Good night Doc.
Rann Utsav Day 2:
Hey Doc… hope all okay at your end. Last time I saw you, you were fuming.
Hey Ahana… I am okay. Had a big fight with my mom.
Oh no… she meant well, I am sure.
Whatever. She should not have introduced you as her would-be daughter-in-law to the yoga instructor. It was preposterous and assuming on her part, not to mention it showed her complete disregard to your wishes and consideration. I had to set her right.
Oh oh…
What’s wrong NOW…
Probably not the right time to tell you this…
Okay, okay… my mom and your mom were having tea and told me to take their snap. My mom wanted to post it on her FB profile with the caption – ‘Samdhans enjoying tea together…’
Oh. My. God. On FB???
Don’t worry. I didn’t allow her to post it. Told her that we both need some time to think over it.
Speak of yourself. I am already in.
Just kidding. Don’t worry, okay. We still have one more day to go and then we will see.
Okay. Hope your mood is okay now. You cut a really scary figure when you are angry, Doc!
It happens rarely. I regret you had to see that.
Nope it is okay. I feel flattered that you came to my defense.
It is my duty to protect the wishes of my would-be partner.
Haha… wait... you are kidding, right?
Of course I am! Come on ya, I thought we both were on the same page.. There is a question that I want to ask you.
Fire away.
Why is it that you are comfortable chatting with me but in person you seem reluctant and withdrawn?
You caught those vibes?!
I wouldn’t call them vibes exactly. I feel like you are shy or hesitant when we are together.
Okay… this is awkward.
Trust me. After today’s Fiasco At The Yoga Session, or Samdhans Snap, nothing can feel more awkward.
Have you seen F.R.I.E.N.D.S?
Have I ever taken a breath? Do I need food? Do I need water? Should I go on???
Okay I get it. You know David, one of Phoebe’s boyfriends. I had a huge crush on him in my teens and sort of built up an image of my partner on those lines. You kind of look exactly like him.
‘Kind of’… ‘Exactly’… contradictions in a single sentence! What should I believe?
Haha. I am flattered that you think I look like David. So you mean to say you are nervous around me. Wow.
No need to sound so pleased or proud.
A guy has to get his moments. Kidding. There is no need to be nervous around me, Ahana. If you are, then I am certainly not doing something right.
It is not you. Or it is you but in the form of David. Oh God I am a blabbering mess.
Relax. I will try my best to make you comfortable around me.
You are a good one, Doc…
Of course.
Not to forget, immensely modest too!
Goes without saying.
Haha! My mom has been trying to lean over and read our conversation since the past five minutes. All she can see is the name I have saved for you.
And that is…
Doc. That’s all.
Thank God. I thought you must have saved it as David.
I should have never told you about him.
Okay let us not bring David between us again.
Right. Before my mom snatches my phone, let us quit while we are ahead. Good night, Doc.
Good night Ahana.
Rann Utsav – Day 3:
Hey… you asleep?
No Doc… seems like you couldn’t sleep either.
Nope. Wanna sneak out?
And give more fodder for our parents to plan the ‘wedding’? No, thanks.
You are rejecting your partner’s plea to spend some time together? What sort of a wife are you?
Question – why are we repeating each other’s phrases?
You started it. I am just carrying it forward.
So it all ends tomorrow! How was the trip for you, Doc?
It was wonderful. I have always wanted to visit the Rann with my wife.
And I always wanted to be pampered by my husband. On a serious note, thanks for the necklace and for the beautiful dress you gifted me today.
It was all black, so I guessed you will like it. It doesn’t have to mean anything, okay. I was not trying to put you on the spot by buying something for you.
Nope. It was the other way around. Your mom put YOU on the spot to gift me that dress. This will never be not funny!
I am glad someone is having fun at my expense.
You make it much easier.
Always glad to help. Question – what happened to you today? Your silence wasn’t the silence of nervousness or awkwardness. You looked sad.
Nothing like that… whatever gave you the idea?
Sheesh! All right, Doc. Didn’t know you can read my moods this well.
It is the duty of the husband to take care of the wife. Now speak up.
I told my friends about you, you know…
All flattering things, I hope…
Of course! There is nothing unflattering about you.
Humbled and honored to know that. Please go ahead.
One of my friends was all like, ‘You are really lucky to get someone as nice as Tarun. Do not let this opportunity go away from your hands.’
Okkayy…I didn’t get it.
She is not the only one! Many of my friends, my cousins, why – even my mom! – they all say that I am lucky to get someone nice and good. When I ask them to expedite, they say that due to my rebellious nature and different outlook on life, it will be difficult for me to get a partner. Why is it so difficult to be different??
Now I get it. I am listening.
There are so many times I get criticized for my hair, for my tattoos, my dressing-sense, my casual approach to life… I am different. Is that a big deal? Is that a deal-breaker when it comes to relationships? I am so tired of hearing people say that they pity the one who will end up with me (and trust me, many have said this).
That is an awful thing to say, even in jest.
I know, right? All I want is to be myself, and if there is someone out there for me who can accept me for who I am, then well and good. Otherwise I am happy being on my own. Why do people make it a big deal? They tell me to change. I do not want to!
Please do not change. You will never be happy if you try to be someone you are not.
Try telling this to my parents, cousins, family and friends…
No need to explain or justify anything to anyone. Be your glorious self always. I, for one, am in awe of your confidence and courage, and wish I had an iota of the same.
Now you are being just kind, Doc.
I mean it. I like that you dare to be different. I admire your tenacity in being yourself in a crowd that is hell-bent on making you be like everyone else. I like your casual approach to life. I feel that it would be one heck of a lucky guy with whom you will end up.
Do you really feel so? What would you do if you ended up with someone like me?
I would be the luckiest guy on the earth if I could get someone like you.
Guys keep saying such stuff but change after marriage. How do I believe anyone then?
You can decide to give the poor bloke a chance to prove himself.
Are we still talking about what-if situations, Doc?
I do not know about you but I am no longer talking about what-if situations.
Then what are you talking about?
I am talking about wanting to be the lucky guy who gets someone as awesome as you.
I told you I already find you fascinating. These three days with you have been some of the best days of my life. I can easily picture spending the rest of my life with you. I am in awe of you. I love that it is easy to talk to you. I like how passionate you are about the things that mean a lot to you. I like how you take each day as it comes, and see the lighter side of things. I like how you do not fret much about matters. I like your sense of humor and your confidence. There probably is nothing that I do not like about you. Except for one thing, maybe…
Your ex, David. I do not like that guy.
Tough luck. I like him.
I like how you deal with your family and mine, even though they seem to be difficult at times.
Only at times?
Probably at all times. But they mean well, don’t they?
Yes they do. What if our decisions are being influenced by their matchmaking? What if we regret our choice if it doesn’t work out between us?
Talk about yourself. I have never been surer of anything else in my life. Also, can I mention how I like that you said ‘our decisions’ and ‘between us’? Does that mean you are considering me for a potential (and oh-so-lucky) partner?
What if I am?
I regret having never learnt to dance. Otherwise I would have.
That’s a sight I would like to see.
Trust me, you wouldn’t. Ever.
Doc… what is happening? Are we in?
I am. Take your own time if you are not sure. I want you to be happy with your decision. Most importantly, let this be YOUR decision.
I am nervous. It feels like a big decision.
I know. I am nervous too. But I know I want to do this.
What if it doesn’t work?
And what if it works?
You have an answer to every question, Doc!
What can I say… I am a man of many talents.
And humble too!
Oh yes, Humility is my middle name.
Speaking of names…
You wouldn’t have to take mine, if you agree for this marriage. I promise you.
But what if I want to?
You really do?
Ahana Tarun. It has a nice feel.
Oh boy, I really should have learnt to dance! The high that ‘Ahana Tarun’ gives me!
So shall we tell our families tomorrow?
Tell them what? I haven’t exactly heard anything assuring from you.
Doc, you are impossible. Yes, I would like to go ahead in this relationship.
Reason being?
You. You are kind, decent, easy to talk to and I feel connected to you already. I can picture myself living with you.
You forgot to say ‘handsome’, ‘funny’, ‘dashing’, ‘brilliant’…
Not to forget ‘modest’…
Oh, modesty is my middle name.
So we are really in??
Yes we are.
Ahana, thank you for making me the luckiest and happiest guy on the earth!
Hold on to that thought… You haven’t married me yet…
Bring it on, I say. Brace yourself for some major emotional drama tomorrow morning. And just to give you a heads-up, my mom already brought a family heirloom to gift to you as a ‘pre-engagement’ present…
Oh God! But then my dad is planning to ask for your sherwani size and all, so I guess we are even.
I really wish we could sneak out. I would like to see you…
You just saw me an hour ago.
That was before you were Ahana Tarun…
You are never going to let go of this name, are you?
Nope. I am already obsessed with it.
Oho… okay wait I am coming out.
I am actually loitering outside your tent, much to the chagrin of some concerned neighboring tourists. Please come soon before they start beating me.
Ahana stepped out of the tent, every last shred of doubt evaporating as she saw Tarun smiling at her, waiting as he had promised.
With every little step he saw her take towards him, Tarun became a believer in the possibility of the existence of soulmates, for he had finally found his.
On that cold night, with the moon shining brightly overhead and a vast expanse of white desert sprawled in front of them, two souls met that were indeed destined to.
Samdhan - Hindi word for a relationship between mother of the bride and the mother of the groom.