Your Proverbial Fly on the Wall

I am unable to recollect how I managed to enter this room. It could be before the door swung shut or I had managed to get in when the glass panes of the window were getting cleaned this morning. The cleaning woman is supposed to have done it the previous evening, but you know how human beings are. They never are what they claim to be, neither do they do things they are meant to do.  Without sounding too judgmental, the ‘so long as nobody sees’ made very few true to oneself. One, two…eight, nine…twelve, people trudged into the conference room as each one of the heads of the department was asked to assemble at 12.30 PM for a quick meeting. An odd time for a meeting and hope it gets over fast, thought the head HR whose lunch hour was never compromised nor interrupted. He was often seen in the pantry opening his lunch box along with his coterie at 1 PM.  None of his inner workings was visible to others as he bestowed his oily smile at the gathering. His well-known vindictiveness would put a self-respecting snake to shame. The head of Sales effortlessly charmed the newly appointed head of design.  He had a penchant for forgetting that he was a married man whenever he saw anyone in a skirt. They all rose as the CEO made his way to the head of the table and he sat down effusively greeting all of them. “I am sorry for having brought all of you here at such short notice,” said he rubbing his palms together but “I am pretty excited to share with you the gist of what transpired at the board meeting yesterday.”  He was always nervous when he had to meet all of them particularly when the fact that he never would have risen to this level if not for his uncle was never far from his thoughts. He looked at each one searchingly to find out if they could see through his bluster. All of them waited patiently with a smile and show of interest. “Some hare-brained plan which is sure to cause more dent to the already cash strapped organization,” thought the CFO.  He did not know who he loathed more…the boss or the marketing shit head.   All the latter’s ideas and proposals for expansion had come to nought yet, most of them looked up to this whiz kid from the leading IIM.  The CEO droned on and on about the fascinating new ideas that would catapult the growth of the organization. The office boy went around with servility handing over the cups and saucers around the table.  Can’t even lift their head to acknowledge and utter a thank you.  They think that they are too busy when I can share such secrets about each that I can write a book! I sat among the curtains happy that I knew who I was …one with an irritating ‘buzz’ and liked by none. I never wore a mask like the others.  _______________________________


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