Beauty and the Beast

Aradhna Malhotra posted under Flash Fiction Giggles@Penmancy on 2019-11-13

The school fizzled alive on the first day. Kids running, dodging and hitting each other from all directions. Giggles, hee-haw and cackles spilt over, at the effervescent school.  Taaangggg….  The loud school bell slammed an abrupt end to the high-speed fun.  Fourth-grader, charming little Belle, too scampered to her class. Belle endeared everyone with her soft, dimpled face and genuine smile. Nicknamed in school as the book worm, Belle was often seen lost in the maze of books at the school library. As everyone settled into their seats, Sara pulled Belle’s hand and whispered “Beasttttt! Yes, that is his name”.  Belle glared at Sara in disbelief and sheepishly glanced at her neighbour. David’s unpleasant demeanour, shabby looks, scruffy hair and toothy smile all agreed in unison with his infamous nickname. Belle hesitatingly smiled at David, but he rudely ignored her. “I want you all to talk to your immediate partners and then introduce them to the class,” commanded Mrs Turner.  Belle hesitatingly spoke to David, avoiding any eye contact. To their surprise, their shared love for books was the ice breaker, and in no time they both were exchanging hearty laughs as old friends.  As Belle stood with David facing the class, giggles and grins rippled through. They both made an odd duo, of Beauty and the Beast. “I am proud to introduce, my very intelligent and witty friend David,” announced Belle. David felt empowered at the acceptance he had won and expressed his gratitude,” I am happy at having found a kind and gentle friend like Belle.”  Mrs Turner and the whole class, cheered the duo as they taught the class their first lesson. “Love people for who they are, instead of judging them for who they are not.”

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