Birding at the Teesta

Preeti Brahmin posted under PenMuse-52 Poetry on 2023-05-20

Cruising around isles of wetland  My canoe tips and tows me soundlessly To catch the pied kingfisher surprise its doomed prey. Oars slice , and new vistas expand. Expand , focus and discover-  My zooming binoculars know the rules,  They  rest secret eyes on the cacophonous woods Where  the great pelicans hover. Hover  and forage on the  shoal  Purple herons, coots , grebes and jacanas- Home shifts with seasons and  changes gears to sound needs  New nests on bygone haunts console. Console the willows left weeping- When at season’s end, the warblers squander  Into melting dots in the grey- blue firmament Tempting flocks to join their cruising.                                              Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!