Bonded for Life

Sheetal Ashpalia posted under Flash Fiction Giggles@Penmancy on 2019-11-13

Raima was excited. Mummy was in the hospital. No, nothing serious. Mummy was about to have a baby. Raima recalled the moment the news had been broken to her. She had just returned from school, her school bag slung over her shoulders when her parents had sat her down and explained how there was a little baby in Mummy's stomach.  Raima was obviously perplexed. How do you explain that to a four-year-old? Her father said it was like a seed that was growing in Mummy’s stomach and would come out when the time was right. Raima insisted on a baby sister. As soon as she would get home from school, she would quickly wash up and run to her mother. Clutching Mummy's belly, she would whisper, "Baby, come soon. You and I will play together. I will share my dolls with you. And the tea set too. I promise you, baby, I will take good care of you. My little sister, I am waiting." And the baby kicked back in response. Although they tried, Raima insisted it was her sister and no one else. And Today, here they were. Raima sat outside the door of the delivery room on the wooden bench. Excited, she shook her short, stubby legs which wouldn't touch the ground.   Mother's muffled moans sounded in the hall, while her father paced.  Finally, a baby's shrill cry pierced to rise above her mother’s moans. Soon, the nurse walked out carrying a little bundle wrapped in her arms. With a quick nod from her father, the nurse walked straight to Raima. Holding the little one over her lap, she smiled and said, "Raima, here she is. Your Little Sister!" As she gently clutched the little one’s hand, Raima beamed. And they were Bonded For Life.



