Mend It

Vandana Nadar posted under PenMuse-52 Poetry on 2023-05-21

Late hot noon, the doorbell announced  Siesta ruined, I raged towards the door There he stood, a toolbox in hand, a short, old man "Your fan needs mending?" He pronounced Pronounced frailty made me wonder I glanced at the roof and his short stature His diminutive bag couldn't hold ladder so high waste of time, Oh! such a blunder  "Blunder in sight," He said aloud "Worry not, it will be fixed in no time." I looked away to not let him see me grimace This old man was not to be cowed! Cowed? His conviction, I did hate His wobbly stool was soon above the ground He wrapped up fast and while leaving, gave me advice "Mend it miss, before it is late!"     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!