The Airport Crime

Sheela Iyer posted under Short Stories Twelve on 2023-12-26

Stella stood on her fifteenth-floor balcony, gazing at the breathtaking sunrise over the vast expanse of the sky. The ball of fire gradually ascended and turned the horizon into a canvas of pink and orange.  As the clock struck half past seven, the maid arrived with a cup of steaming coffee and some cookies in a chocolate brown wooden tray and placed it on the round glass table. Stella took a sip from the cup, cherishing the moment of peace – her only time to herself – before the chaos of the day unfurled.   Being a seasoned detective, she knew that each day brought its own set of mysteries and investigations. Even in her mid-40s, Stella possessed an air of confidence that captured the attention of any crowd. She always prioritized fitness, a necessity in her line of work. Her keen blue eyes, often described as windows, observed things minutely.  Her wardrobe had more Western clothes than Indian attire. As far as accessories are concerned, usually, she adorned a silver locket for its sentimental value and believed it brought luck. Around 8:15 a.m., Stella's phone buzzed, interrupting the serene atmosphere, and her focus shifted from the captivating sunrise to her beeping phone.   Stella checked the message. “Murder at the international airport. Need your immediate intervention.” Stella seamlessly transitioned into work mode. After a quick shower, she changed into detective attire, wearing black jeans, a white crop top, and a denim jacket. The straight, blunt-cut hairstyle complimented her round face, the sleek strands falling below her chin. Grabbing her keys from the stand, she hurriedly made her way to the car. Since it was a weekday, the traffic moved at a snail’s pace, and the honking pierced the ears. Stella managed to reach the airport by 9:15 a.m. After parking her car in the parking area, she walked towards gate one. “Madam, your ticket/passport, please,” the security at the gate asked. “I am not travelling. I am a detective, and Mr Rathod, CIFS officer has called me.” Stella replied politely. After verifying her ID card, the security guard saluted her and directed, “This way, madam.”  As Stella walked in the direction briskly, her heels clicked with each step. It was already a quarter to ten when she arrived at the crime scene. The elevator door was open, and a man in a navy blue suit was seated on the floor inside the lift, his head tilted to the right. The authorities were standing out and discussing something. “Excuse me. Who is Mr Rathod? I am Stella D’cruz.” Stella said. “Hello, Ms. Stella, I am Rathod, CIFS chief. I messaged you this morning. The person who is lying lifeless is Mr Rana, a business tycoon and a frequent flyer.” Rathod informed. “Did the doctor check him? What did he say?” Stella asked. “Dr. Iyer, an experienced forensic expert, checked him, but he can confirm the cause of death only after postmortem or autopsy. However, he suspects foul play. Hence, we decided to call you.” Rathod answered. Stella asked in confusion, “And why is he suspecting foul play? Any particular reason he shared?”  “After the preliminary examination, the doctor found an unusual mark on the victim’s left neck, as if someone had pierced a sharp object. He did not find any apparent reasons for cardiac arrest or any other significant health issues in Mr Rana, who appeared to be a healthy individual. Maybe this is the cause for suspicion." Rathod replied. The passengers from the lift were standing on the ground floor, shocked. “Mr Rathod, why are these people gathered here? Are they part of Mr Rana’s team or from his office?” Stella inquired, her brow furrowing. "No, mam, they are passengers from the same lift, travelling to various destinations. Only two got off on the 2nd floor," Rathod replied. “Mam, may I say something?” A lady standing there asked. “Sure, go ahead,” Stella said. “An intriguing aura enveloped this man’s face, drawing my attention to him. He was standing erect, his back pressed against the cool metal of the elevator, with one hand in his pocket and the other holding a briefcase.  As the elevator descended and stopped at the second floor, he let out a yell while clutching his neck tightly with his left hand, as if in pain, and then crumpled to the floor." The lady explained. “Alright, thank you for sharing this information. Did anyone else happen to notice anything unusual or noteworthy?" Stella asked. The passengers standing there nodded their heads and said ‘NO in unison.  “Rathod, did you inform his family and office staff?” Stella checked. "Yes, madam, I have conveyed the message to Mrs. Rana and her office staff. Mrs. Rana should be here any moment," Rathod responded promptly. “Fine. Can I see the CCTV footage of this lift, Rathod?” Stella inquired. “Sorry, mam. Unfortunately, the CCTV has not been operational for the past ten days. We have contacted the technician, but he hasn't attended to it yet," Rathod explained, bowing his head. Nodding, Stella blurted. “What? "Why aren't these matters considered important and given priority?" “Show me other CCTV footage in and around this area?” Stella said, irritated. “Yes, sure, mam. The CCTV monitoring room is this way.” Rathod said, pointing his fingers towards the left. The entire investigative team stepped into the dimly lit room. An antique clock, displaying 10:20 a.m., silently hung on the wall. On one monitor, a camera captured the flow of passengers through the main entrance. Another screen showed the bustling activity near the check-in counter, and the third focused on the tarmac where planes taxied in and out.  The room echoed with the hum of electronic equipment. Without blinking, the investigators spent the next thirty minutes carefully reviewing the footage and the movements of individuals in various corners of the airport.  Stella observed a man frequently wiping his forehead with his handkerchief, and a woman accompanying him pressed something into his palms.  Swiftly, she instructed Rathod to bring those passengers and again turned her eyes towards the monitor to re-examine the CCTV footage. She found two more suspects. Rathod and his team rushed to detain them. The clock relentlessly ticked, intensifying the pressure. Rathod, his team, and the suspects entered the room where Stella awaited them impatiently. Seeing only two out of three suspects, Stella yelled, “Where is the third suspect?” Before Rathod could answer, one of them bellowed, “SUSPECT? What do you mean?” Another one said, “Madam, why have your team brought us here? Our flight will depart in some time, and boarding has begun.” Stella’s eyes widened. She moved ahead and outstretched her palms, signalling them to maintain silence. Raising an eyebrow, she confronted the suspect. "Do you have a problem? We noticed a subtle change in your demeanor as if you were aware of being watched. Your facial expressions showed that you were terrified. Besides, you were wiping your forehead again and again.” The suspect retorted with visible anger, "So what? Is that a crime?" “Answer my question,” Stella said in an annoying voice this time. “Madam, my husband has a medical problem, and he sweats profusely. He is under medication for a nervous system disorder. I was handing him wet tissues to make him feel better.” The lady standing next to him answered. Stella nodded, gesturing toward the exit. 'You may leave,' she said after checking their passports and making a copy. Meantime, Rathod interrogated the other suspect but found nothing. He sighed and sat back in his chair with his arms crossed.  Stella had set an alarm for 11:00 a.m. to remind her to take her medicines. She popped them and again looked at the screen carefully. Just then, her phone buzzed. The number flashed on it was from an unknown person. "Who is this?" Stella asked and went out to talk, gesturing Rathod to watch the screen for anything suspicious. "Madam, it’s not important to know who I am. Listen carefully. Under the guise of selling medicines and equipment, cocaine and marijuana are being shipped to various countries. You need to intervene and stop these activities immediately. These drugs are harmful and have already killed many people. Maybe the death that took place a few hours ago at the airport and the drug case are both two sides of the same coin." The caller gave a tip. “What does murder have to do with a drug case? Wait! How do you even know we are currently investigating a high-profile murder case? Who are you, and why are you giving me these tips?” Stella asked. There was pin-drop silence for a full minute. “Hello, are you there?” Stella raised her voice. “All the best,” An unidentified person uttered and disconnected the call. Disturbed, Stella tried calling back but couldn’t reach. Standing in the corridor, Stella moved her fingers slowly across her forehead. As she pondered the mysterious person's identity, Rathod's voice interrupted her thoughts." “What happened, mam?” Rathod asked. "I received a tip from an unknown caller, saying that under the guise of medical devices, drugs are being exported across countries, and the case we are investigating is connected to that," Stella responded.   “Madam, drugs?? We are working on a murder case. We are yet to find the weapon,” investigating officer Rathod said, scratching his head.  “Yes, I know Rathod,” Stella said and stood there discussing the case.  “Is that Mr. Rathod?” A voice came from behind. Rathod and Stella turned their faces and saw a woman in her mid-forties standing. The vulnerability in her gaze was like a flood of emotions on the verge of coming out.  “Yes, I am Rathod and you?” he asked.  “I am Mrs. Rana,” She said softly. “Sorry for your loss, Mrs. Rana,” Stella expressed her condolences and said, we need to talk to you only if you are okay.  Mrs Rana agreed and answered a few questions.  “Ma’am, you can talk to Shravan, Mr Rana’s right hand. I am not feeling good. Can I leave?” saying this, Mrs. Rana left. Quickly turning to Rathod, Stella said, “Rathod, please collect the preliminary report from the doctor before we leave. Rathod glanced at his watch. It was half past one in the afternoon. His stomach growled with hunger pangs. He collected the reports and came out of the main entrance with Stella.  Just then, Rathod heard someone calling his name. He looked around. A young, thin boy was waving at him from a distance, signalling him to wait. He stood in front of them, panting.  “Hello, Rathod sir, this is Ajit Sanga from Rana’s office. I need to talk to you urgently.” He said in a trembling voice. All three of them went back to Rathod’s office inside the airport.  “Sir, I don’t know why, but I feel unsafe.” Ajit stuttered. “Calm down, Ajit. Tell me what happened, and why do you feel your life is in danger?” Rathod asked and handed him a glass of water. Ajit sipped some water and narrated, “Sir, Mrs Rana and Shravan had a bitter fight today. They were discussing something related to drugs. When I questioned Shravan about it, he became agitated and threatened to take dire action. I don’t know what he meant by that, but I did not feel right.  “Ajit, tell me something about Mr. Rana and his business,” Stella said. Mr Rana was an influential businessman dealing in medicines/medical equipment. I have been working in this organisation for over a decade.   Though he was in his early 50s, the tall, sturdy frame with salt-and-pepper hair looked ten years younger. Rana was fond of luxurious attire and high-end watches, showcasing his appreciation for sophisticated stuff. “What do you know about Shravan? Stella inquired. “Mam, I don’t know much about him and his background. He was appointed by Mr Rana himself about a year and a half ago. Besides, he never spoke much to anyone, keeping his character a mystery.  “Do you suspect him to be the murderer, given the fact that he threatened you of the consequences? Also, does he smuggle drugs? Are you aware of any such thing?” Stella asked. “No, I am not aware of any such illegal transactions, but yes, certain countries he visits and delivers medical equipment. I think you should talk to him.” Stella connected the dots. The words of the unidentified person rang in her ears. Along with Rathod and Ajit, she went back to see the footage again.   As soon as the footage played, Ajit pointed his fingers towards the person seated on a chair placed near the check-in counter, donned in a hoodie, highlighting the unique ‘S’ tattoo and said, “He is Shravan, the right hand of Mr Rana and my immediate boss. But, mam, his flight is at 4:00 p.m. I don’t understand why he is here so early.” Stella nodded, then suddenly turned towards Rathod and said, “Rathod, it’s already 2:00 p.m. You and the team grab some refreshments. I am sure you must be hungry, as everyone's been on their toes since morning." “Okay, mam. Should I get something for you, too?” Rathod asked, surprised to see this softer side of Stella beneath her tough exterior. "No, thanks," Stella replied, smiling—perhaps the first time since she had met the team. Rathod and his team leave the room, closing the door behind them.  Stella’s mind raced with thoughts. She instantly got up and said, “Ajit, come, let’s go to your office.” “I am going out for a while and will be back soon. You and your team meet me at my office in an hour.” Stella quickly typed this and sent it to Rathod. “Ajit, can you arrange to get Shravan’s laptop since he is away till evening? If the screen is locked, take the help of IT personnel,” Stella utters, looking out of the car window.  “Bu…but madam…” Ajit stutters. “Don't worry. Rest assured, you won’t get into any trouble. Just hurry up, okay?" Stella said, her voice cool as a cucumber.  On reaching the office, Ajit quickly gets Shravan's laptop from his cabin and places it on the table in his cabin. Stella rummages through files on the desktop and checks his social media accounts but finds nothing suspicious. However, his search history revealed he was looking for weapons that left no trace or evidence. “This is it.” Stella declared and slammed her hand on the table, causing the calendar to fall. Ajit rushed to place Shravan’s laptop back in its place and accompanied Stella to the Airport.  “Rathod, there is a change in the plan. Let’s meet in your office immediately instead of my office. We don’t have time,” Stella messaged him. “Sure, Madam," Rathod replied instantly, glancing at his watch again, which showed a quarter to three. “Rathod, every piece of evidence is pointing towards Shravan, making him our prime suspect. His flight is at 4:00 p.m., and I am sure he must have checked in,” Stella uttered. Stella and the team almost sprinted toward the gate to grab Shravan.  Wearing beige trousers and a black shirt, Shravan was seated on one of the chairs, reading a murder mystery book.  “Mr. Shravan,” Rathod called out his name. “Yes, Sir, how can I help you?” Shravan said politely. “Mr. Shravan, you need to cancel your flight and come with us immediately for interrogation in connection to Rana’s Murder,” Rathod, displaying his ID card, came straight to the point.     “What? Rana’s murder? I think you are mistaken. Mr. Rana flew to Kenya this morning and will return only after a week,” Shravan said in shock. “No, we are not mistaken. Let’s go.” Stella said and turned to go. Shravan had no choice but to leave with them. It was 3:30 p.m. Stella took a seat and began interrogating. “I understand medical equipment is Rana’s second line of business, and the primary one is dealing with illegal substances. Am I right or right?” Stella asked. And “Mind you, I am in no mood to buy any lies, so better say the truth. Even if you are not linked to Rana's murder, you will still be behind bars for illegal drug dealing.” She looked into Shravan’s eyes and stated. Sweat began trickling down Shravan’s temples. He quickly wiped it with his handkerchief and shoved it back into his trouser pocket.  “Yes, Mr. Shravan, we are waiting.” Stella impatiently said. Shravan unbuttons the top button of his shirt. Taking a deep breath, he starts narrating at quarter to four. "I worked in the security department at the airport before I joined Rana. Since Rana was a frequent flyer, we became friends. He offered me a good job and a flat in the city. I couldn't resist and accepted it. After I joined, I realized that his primary business was dealing in drugs, while he portrayed himself as a shrewd businessman involved in the medical equipment trade. He used to smuggle drugs under the guise of selling medicines and equipment. I helped in the smooth operation of illegal substances. Besides, due to my connections, corrupt airport security personnel at the origin and destination turned a blind eye to these shipments and the consignments cleared without triggering any alarms.” Shravan said, looking into the eyes of Stella. But when the time came to fulfil his promise to give me a flat in the city and a good bank balance, he retreated and threatened to replace me with someone else who wouldn’t be so demanding. I lost my cool and decided to take revenge.” Shravan said, anger evident in his voice. “So you finally took revenge by killing him, right? Your search history shows you were on the hunt for unique weapons.” Rathod accused. “What did you just say? Did I kill him? No, I did not. I swear. Yes, I went to the airport this morning intending to harm him but backed out because I didn't want to be branded a murderer.  I agree I am involved in drugs but not murder. Rana was undoubtedly an unethical and fraudulent person. You can check with Mrs. Rana. She wanted to close his illegal business and approached me, too, but I did not pay any heed as the money I earned from this business was huge. Though she was a partner, she had no say in any of his businesses, and Rana often abused her in front of everyone." Shravan explained. I met him at 7:30 a.m. and left at 8:00., after discussing some important business matters. Both of us used the same elevator. I got off on the second floor to meet the customs officer for the clearance of a particular shipment while he proceeded towards the ground floor to catch his flight. After I finished my work, I left for home as my flight was only at 4:00 p.m. “Rathod, please call Mrs Rana and ask her to meet us immediately,” Stella said. Rathod followed her instructions.  Mrs. Rana reached Rathod’s office at 6.30 p.m. “Have a seat, Mrs. Rana,” Stella said. “Do you know why we have called you here?” Rathod asked. “Uhhh uhh, yes. You want to know if I suspect anyone for Rana’s death.” Mrs. Rana stuttered. "No. Why didn't you disclose your strained relationship with Rana? Furthermore, we understand you had no say in his business which means you had a strong motive to harm him." Rathod asked.  “I….I.....I…mean you want to know about Rana…..” Mrs. Rana’s lips quivered. “Well, am I wrong if I say you were the anonymous caller? Rathod tossed the question. Mrs Rana’s eyes popped out, and her Facial expressions changed. Tears welled up in her eyes. She wiped her tears and said, “Yes, I gave you the tip.  “Do you have anything else to reveal? Better say it now before we know the truth from somewhere else.” Stella warned.  Mrs Rana sighed and continued, “I married Rana seven years ago, and it was a love marriage. He was doing well in his medical equipment business, and we took our organisation to the next level in a couple of years.  Gradually, greed took over, and he made medical equipment his second line of business and ventured into illicit substances. When this came to my notice, I strongly objected. We fought almost daily, but it did not make any difference to him. Instead, he threatened to harm my younger sister and parents if I went against him and informed the authorities. I got scared and never opened up to anyone. He was not ready to give me a divorce either. I lived in the house like a caged bird. Whenever he went on long trips, his secretary would inform me, and I would come to the office on those days for a while.  Then, one day, I learned from Ajit that Rana had appointed Shravan to look after his illicit trade and the medical equipment business, too. Ajit, who was with us for over a decade, sounded upset with Rana's decision, but he let it go.” Mrs. Rana revealed. “Excuse me, Stella, ma’am. There is an emergency at home. I need to go. Can I?” Ajit interrupted. “Sure. You can leave.” Stella replied and asked Mrs Rana to continue. “I tried to talk to Shravan and urged him not to continue with this unlawful trade due to the harm it was causing to people. However, my pleas fell on deaf ears. The inner turmoil was too much to bear, leading to sleepless nights. It was at that point I decided to put an end to everything, including my agony, forever. I meticulously planned a murder and intentionally trapped Shravan. I wanted him to be behind bars. He has taken the lives of many innocent people just to make his wealth, if not directly then indirectly.  I entered the same elevator as Rana and stood behind him, wearing a veil and holding a pin the size of a finger that had poison in it. But….” Stella interrupted before Mrs Rana could complete her sentence. “We haven't discovered any weapons or a pin on his neck. Can you explain how you killed Mr. Rana?" Stella asked, expressing her surprise. “No, mam. I foiled my plan at the eleventh hour. My inner conscience stopped me from taking such a drastic step, and I exited the elevator when it reached the second floor. Upon reaching home, When Rana’s secretary broke the news of his death and asked to see you, fear gripped me.  Nevertheless, I maintained my composure, and before heading to the airport, I made a call while concealing my identity. Since I, too, desired to know who killed Rana, along with the tip of unlawful consignments, I mentioned the murder as well.” Mrs. Rana explained. What? Who the hell is responsible for his death?" Stella exclaimed, letting out a sigh. She rose from her seat, forcefully shoving the chair, that went and hit the door. Rathod and Stella exit the interrogation room, closing the door behind them while Shravan and Mrs. Rana are still inside. “If Shravan and Mrs. Rana, who had strong motives, haven't committed the crime, Rathod, then who could be the culprit?" Stella pondered. “Even my mind is racing with these thoughts. Hang on, madam. Did you pay attention to what Mrs Rana said about Ajit?” She anticipated Rana to appoint Ajit to head his equipment business, but he chose Shravan instead. It makes me wonder, have we really scrutinized Ajit or placed our trust in him blindly," Rathod said. “Oh, yes, you have a point there. I missed that. Thank you, Rathod. No wonder Ajit excused himself during our questioning with Mrs. Rana," Stella admitted. Asking Shravan and Mrs. Rana to leave, they rushed to hold Ajit. When they reached his place, they learned from his maid that he was flying to Dubai tonight and had already left for the Airport. They quickly informed the cops at the airport to detain him.  The cops detained Ajit. Stella and Rathod reached the airport at around 7.30 p.m. Seeing Ajit, Rathod lost his cool and slapped him hard, leaving a mark of his fingers on Ajit’s fair face. “You have fooled us enough. Now, start speaking like a parrot. I won't tolerate a single lie!" Rathod shouted. “I was a small-time drug peddler struggling to make ends meet. Rana picked me up and offered to work with him. Over the years, I climbed the ladder, winning Rana’s trust. I dreamt and was sure I would soon become Rana’s right hand. However, my dreams shattered when Rana, for reasons unknown, chose Shravan as his right-hand man. This hurt my ego, and I felt sidelined. I had to report to Shravan. I couldn’t leave the organization due to the bank loans I took to buy a mansion. Anger and feelings of injustice eventually led me to plot revenge against Rana and Shravan. I misdirected your entire team, ensuring the spotlight remained away from me, and subtly framed Mrs. Rana and Shravan.” Ajit narrated. “But Mrs Rana said you were upset because Mr Rana chose Shravan to head the equipment business,” Stella uttered. “Mrs. Rana was not aware of the fact. She used to discuss with me everything, even her dislike for drugs.” Ajit replied. “How did you kill him? Where is the weapon?” Rathod questioned. “I was in the same lift but had changed my appearance and adorned fake hair to look like an old man. I used a pointed shard of ice, an unconventional weapon, to kill him so that I would leave no proof behind. I successfully executed my plan and exited on the ground floor with other passengers. After a while, when you asked us to leave, I left.” Ajit confessed. Stella recollects seeing droplets of water on the ground as well as on Rana’s arms and murmurs, “Oh, no wonder we did not find any weapon.” Soon, every news channel flashed this news. Shravan was behind bars for dealing in drugs, and Ajit for the murder of Mr Rana. Mrs. Rana expressed shock on hearing this and is yet to come to terms. “This is the first case I have ever solved within twelve hours,” Rathod said and smiled. “Great! It was a tiring day today. Good night, Rathod.” Stella replied and waved her hand before proceeding home. On reaching home, she tossed her bag on the sofa and headed to the kitchen for a glass of chilled water to soothe her parched throat.  Afterwards, she made her way to the bedroom, lay on the bed with hands tucked beneath her head, and tried to sleep. Thoughts of what tomorrow would be like kept her awake until she finally drifted off to sleep past midnight.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!