The Little Avengers

Sreemati Sen posted under Flash Fiction Giggles@Penmancy on 2019-11-13

“Let’s begin?” Rudra turned around. Raja and Ripon nodded, while Raman sat subdued. The Ouija board was ready on the three-legged table. Raman would be the medium - the group had decided unanimously. Soft-spoken, kind-hearted and well-liked by everyone - even the spirits would take a liking to him.

“Rinka, we are calling you here. Rinka! We want you to come here and answer our questions,” chanted Rudra in a sing-song voice. He kept on repeating it, swaying his body in a peculiar rhythm which matched his voice modulation. It was almost theatrical.

Rinka, the school topper had been claimed by Dengue last week.

Rudra motioned them to close their eyes and concentrate. The annual exams were a week away. The spirit of the school topper was their last resort. He would surely help them get the question papers.

The room became ominously quiet. Not a single sound could be heard except for the lizard which kept chirping, “Tchak, Tchak, Tchak.”

Suddenly, the door flew open. A blast of cold air shocked the children, forcing them to open their eyes. A white form emerged out of nowhere and blew out the candle. It climbed atop the Ouija board and began gyrating.

The children sat trembling, unable to utter a word. A peculiar sound emanating from Raman made them turn around. His eyes were wide open. He was sweating profusely and convulsing. Rudra leapt up. He pulled Ripon to his feet and scrambled out. Raja followed suit, shouting frantically “Help help.”

The apparition stopped dancing, removed its costume and sat down. It had been a tiresome dance. Mastering the steps was not an easy task. The huge pedestal fan was switched off and the other two boys came out. The trio clapped their hands and hooted.

They had outwitted the quartet.


