The Rebel Queen

Ekta Sachdeva posted under PenMuse-52 Poetry on 2023-05-17

Decked neck with emeralds and pearls A crinoline over ritual clothes A seductress too seditious to be bridled Life lead raging against the earls. Earls who tried to seize the kingdom From the virtuous scion to the throne Sensing the danger, sullied her reputation Who showed guts to rule with wisdom. Wisdom and courage were her arms No vedettes or bars could cage her ever When repudiated to bow to their dictates They robbed her son sans any qualms. Qualms loomed large, the state grew wretched She did whatever she could to outsmart Until her final breath, fought like a lioness In golden words, her name is decked.     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!